Re: [分享] 上傳Android App免費換一台 Playbook!

看板AndroidDev作者 (懶人)時間13年前 (2012/03/08 11:19), 編輯推噓4(4010)
留言14則, 5人參與, 最新討論串9/12 (看更多)
今天收到了幾封信... 好像是說我沒有通過 QAQ 第一封如下: Dear App World Vendor, Unfortunately Release '1.0' from your product 'Accounting' has not passed testing and therefore cannot be approved for sale through BlackBerry App World. Thank you for your understanding in this matter, Regards, The BlackBerry App World™ Team 說明我沒有通過 第二封就有點看不懂了 如下: Dear App World Vendor, We are sorry but your request for 'Accounting' to be a product in the BlackBerry App World has been denied for the following reasons : Your application is not fully signed. Please see the following links for assistance: Because the application wasn’t signed correctly, you will need to create the application again from the start in the vendor portal. If you still need assistance signing your application, please contact Thank you for your understanding in this matter, not fully asigned ? 是什麼意思呢? 是指我在eclipse時沒有sign正確嗎? 還是我上船App時沒有sign正確呢? 還是我的身分沒有完成確認呢? sign完後不是會產生一個 dist 的資料夾 裡面有兩個檔案 檔名都是App名稱 一個附檔名是.bar 一個是.lsv 然後把.bar黨壓縮後 上傳到BB 這樣有錯嗎....? 最後...小小的問 是不是現在再補傳即使傳了也不會有playbook了? 還是會有?我記得好像是說只要第一個App是在規定時間內,之候補傳沒關西? 感謝版大的回答! 以上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/08 14:05, , 1F
補補看說...我說過rim是很大方的, 有試就有機會 XD
03/08 14:05, 1F

03/08 21:02, , 2F
直接用eclipse的plug-in去sign比較方便 @@
03/08 21:02, 2F

03/08 21:05, , 3F
是在重新Add a product嗎? 因為重新sign後package ID好像
03/08 21:05, 3F

03/08 21:06, , 4F
會不一樣~ 用eclipse的plug-in? 網站說的那個?我照著步驟
03/08 21:06, 4F

03/08 21:06, , 5F
做 可是好像沒有出現plug-in只有sign...
03/08 21:06, 5F

03/08 21:16, , 6F
03/08 21:16, 6F

03/08 21:38, , 7F
03/08 21:38, 7F

03/08 21:58, , 8F
那看來過不久版上又多一台 :)
03/08 21:58, 8F

03/09 23:06, , 9F
我收到 We shipped your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet today
03/09 23:06, 9F

03/09 23:06, , 10F
03/09 23:06, 10F

03/10 00:33, , 11F
以前從美國買寄回來都是四五天左右, 你們至少省了運費QQ
03/10 00:33, 11F

03/10 00:34, , 12F
03/10 00:34, 12F

03/10 14:40, , 13F
關稅是要怎付呢?直接付給fedex?那大約是多少呢? 謝謝
03/10 14:40, 13F

03/10 18:43, , 14F
03/10 18:43, 14F
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