Re: [分享] 上傳Android App免費換一台 Playbook!

看板AndroidDev作者 (James)時間13年前 (2012/02/24 11:14), 編輯推噓14(1405)
留言19則, 9人參與, 最新討論串7/12 (看更多)
我似乎申請成功了! 今天收到了一封標題:Congratulations! 的信件 打開一看: We’re pleased to inform you that your app submission qualifies for the free BlackBerry PlayBook tablet offer. To receive your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, there is one additional requirement. Please complete the shipping information requested here. You’ll receive notification when your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is about to ship. Thanks for the time and effort you’ve invested in creating an app and participating in this offer. Good luck in your app development pursuits! Warm regards, The BlackBerry Developer Program team P.S. You are welcome to submit multiple entries for consideration, but only one BlackBerry PlayBook tablet will be awarded per registered vendor in BlackBerry App World. ------------------- 是說我已經通過審核,然後要我填寫shipping information 這樣應該是成功了沒錯吧? 希望大家也能成功囉! 在我填完shipping information以後會收到另一封信 The order for your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is now being processed and we expect to ship the unit to you within the next 72 hours. We’re fairly certain that you’re looking forward to putting this new tablet through its paces and finding out exactly what it can do. Likewise, we are also eager to get it into your hands so you can see your app in action, and try out the many features. As soon as your order ships, we will notify you and send the tracking number for reference. Warm regards, The BlackBerry Developer Program team ------------------------ 是說很快就會送到的意思 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: adks3489 來自: (02/24 11:16)

02/24 11:40, , 1F
02/24 11:40, 1F

02/24 19:58, , 2F
02/24 19:58, 2F

02/24 23:56, , 3F
02/24 23:56, 3F

02/24 23:58, , 4F
感謝樓上的幫忙測試 :)
02/24 23:58, 4F

02/25 00:27, , 5F
02/25 00:27, 5F

02/25 00:31, , 6F
02/25 00:31, 6F

02/26 00:28, , 7F
02/26 00:28, 7F

02/27 17:26, , 8F
02/27 17:26, 8F

02/29 14:45, , 9F
02/29 14:45, 9F

02/29 15:11, , 10F
我到現在還沒收到review成功的信 = =
02/29 15:11, 10F

02/29 15:20, , 11F
有人也是一直pending review嗎?
02/29 15:20, 11F

02/29 15:44, , 12F
我弟弟的還在 pending review..
02/29 15:44, 12F

02/29 18:07, , 13F
02/29 18:07, 13F

02/29 18:11, , 14F
02/29 18:11, 14F

03/01 20:13, , 15F
哈哈 開箱就不需要我獻醜了啦!比較困擾的是實機反而
03/01 20:13, 15F

03/01 20:14, , 16F
不是那麼好連接上電腦 Orz
03/01 20:14, 16F

03/02 10:28, , 17F
會嗎? 連接電腦不是usb接上去就好.. desktop記得要裝
03/02 10:28, 17F

03/05 17:55, , 18F
03/05 17:55, 18F

03/07 21:51, , 19F
我也收到囉~~ :P
03/07 21:51, 19F
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