Re: [分享] 上傳Android App免費換一台 Playbook!

看板AndroidDev作者 (652公車)時間13年前 (2012/02/29 23:32), 編輯推噓4(406)
留言10則, 5人參與, 最新討論串8/12 (看更多)
※ 引述《adks3489 (James)》之銘言: : 是說我已經通過審核,然後要我填寫shipping information : 這樣應該是成功了沒錯吧? : 希望大家也能成功囉! : 在我填完shipping information以後會收到另一封信 : The order for your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is now being processed and we : expect to ship the unit to you within the next 72 hours. : We’re fairly certain that you’re looking forward to putting this new tablet : through its paces and finding out exactly what it can do. Likewise, we are : also eager to get it into your hands so you can see your app in action, and : try out the many features. : As soon as your order ships, we will notify you and send the tracking number : for reference. : Warm regards, : The BlackBerry Developer Program team Dear App World Vendor, Research In Motion is pleased to inform you that your product 'Lendbook' is approved and ready to be provisioned for BlackBerry App World. We encourage you to login to BlackBerry App World and click the 'Post for sale' link for the approved product in, to ensure your product is available in the catalog for BlackBerry App World. Please keep in mind it can take up to 24 hours before your app has propagated into our system. Regards, 我收到這封信,不過沒有寫到要我提供住址的字眼耶,該不會已經換完了吧 囧rz -- 雜七雜八的kewang部落格 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/29 23:36, , 1F
02/29 23:36, 1F

02/29 23:45, , 2F
恭喜! 這是請您上架的信, 個人經驗是上架隔天就會請您
02/29 23:45, 2F

02/29 23:45, , 3F
02/29 23:45, 3F

02/29 23:58, , 4F
水啦,那我已經按了"Post for sale",接下來就等明後天的信
02/29 23:58, 4F

02/29 23:58, , 5F
02/29 23:58, 5F

03/01 00:11, , 6F
03/01 00:11, 6F

03/01 13:52, , 7F
03/01 13:52, 7F

03/02 17:27, , 8F
03/02 17:27, 8F

03/03 08:53, , 9F
想辦法弄個3000以下的報價, 就免關稅了@@
03/03 08:53, 9F

03/03 09:09, , 10F
他們手上已經有出貨單了w 也沒得弄。
03/03 09:09, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1FJaKHCf (AndroidDev)
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文章代碼(AID): #1FJaKHCf (AndroidDev)