Re: [分享] 上傳Android App免費換一台 Playbook!

看板AndroidDev作者 (fish)時間13年前 (2012/02/14 20:39), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串4/12 (看更多)
今天收到確認信嚕 重點是說App不能太陽春 不然也得不到PlayBook 原文如下: You’ve completed the first step toward a free BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Your app submission has been successfully received by the team at BlackBerry App World, putting you on the road to qualify for the free BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet Offer 2012. The BlackBerry App World team reviews each app based on the Vendor Guidelines and we’ll notify you as soon as we have determined if your app qualifies for the free tablet offer. When your app is approved, you will receive an additional email notice requesting a shipping address for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. If you receive notice that your app has not been accepted, don’t give up. You can modify and resubmit that app for approval as long as the app was originally submitted during the qualifying period. We will do our best to promptly review each application submission. However, we cannot guarantee a decision within a specific timeframe. We appreciate the time and effort you have put into developing an app for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. We’re pleased and excited to have your applications on our platform and look forward to shared success and a long relationship. Happy coding! The BlackBerry Developer Program team P.S. You are welcome to submit multiple entries for consideration, but only one BlackBerry PlayBook tablet will be awarded per registered vendor in BlackBerry App World. ※ 引述《dingyuchi (fish)》之銘言: : 想請問一下參加這個活動的大大們 : 我用eclipse blackberry tools sign for appworld成功之後 : 在 : 填寫好app相關的資訊 : 並將.bar檔壓縮成zip : 上傳到appworld之後就可以了嗎 : 像這張圖一樣 : 之後寄封信給RIM : 不知道有沒有遺漏什麼步驟 : 大家也是這樣弄嗎? : ※ 引述《vipin (Vipin)》之銘言: : : 我要先說RIM(BlackBerry)這公司很大方, 相信只要發佈後通知RIm應該都能得到一台 : : 目前2.0正式版發佈在即(也不能再延了), 希望造就出app worlds一堆apps的印象 : : 畢竟2.0的最大賣點就是android app player : : 我是在crackberry看到這消息 : : : : 在站上也可找到如何從android repack到playbook : : 且也有一個android app轉換過的明細(可見得大多apps都能轉) : : 我也想賺一台playbook XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/14 23:44, , 1F
02/14 23:44, 1F

02/15 00:35, , 2F
可以看看樓上大大寫的app嗎 XD
02/15 00:35, 2F

02/15 09:46, , 3F
02/15 09:46, 3F
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