Re: [問題] 關於重複測量資料

看板R_Language作者 (攸藍)時間10年前 (2015/03/02 14:27), 10年前編輯推噓0(001)
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※ 引述《yummy7922 (crucify)》之銘言: : [問題敘述]: : 我的資料是重複測量的資料,資料中有13820位病人的多次測量值, : 但不是每位病人的觀察筆數都相同, : 我想要針對每一位病人,將每三筆資料計算一個平均值, : 最後不到三筆的資料也算一個平均值, : 不過我不知道該如何做,想請教各位高手們,謝謝。 library(plyr) # only used in data generation library(dplyr) library(data.table) library(magrittr) # data generation n = 13620 dat = data.table(id = 1:n, len = sample(2:15, n, replace = TRUE)) %>% mdply(function(id, len) data.table(id = rep(id, len), values = rnorm(len))) # mean k = 3 dat = select(dat, c(id, values)) # 你可以省略這行 只是刪掉len而已 start_time = Sys.time() result = dat %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(newgroup = rep(1:length(values), each = k, length = length(values))) %>% group_by(id, newgroup) %>% summarise(mean(values)) Sys.time() - start_time # Time difference of 0.558032 secs # Other method k = 3 dat = select(dat, c(id, values)) # 你可以省略這行 只是移除前面的變更 # library(reshape2) # 如果不用data.table 請跑這一行 start_time = Sys.time() dat$newgroup = unlist(tapply(dat$values, dat$id, function(x){ rep(1:length(x), each = k, length = length(x)) })) result2 = melt(tapply(dat$values, list(dat$id, dat$newgroup), mean)) result2 = result2[!$value),] Sys.time() - start_time # Time difference of 1.556089 secs result2 = result2[order(result2$Var1),] all.equal(result$value, result2$value) # TRUE 根據版友aaron77217提供的資料格式,新增: library(dplyr) library(data.table) library(magrittr) dat_gen_f = function(N_patient, max_obs_time, n_vars){ dat = sample(max_obs_time, N_patient, replace = TRUE) %>% { cbind(rep(1:N_patient, times=.), sapply(., seq, from = 1) %>% unlist()) } %>% cbind(matrix(rnorm(nrow(.)*n_vars),, n_vars)) %>% data.table() setnames(dat, c("id", "obs_times", paste0("V", 1:n_vars))) } mean_dat_f = function(dat, k){ result = dat %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(newgroup = rep(1:ceiling(length(obs_times)/k), each = k, length=length(obs_times)), n_combine = (length(obs_times) %/% k) %>% {c(rep(k, . * k), rep(length(obs_times) - . * k, length(obs_times) - . * k))}) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(times_combine = paste((newgroup-1)*3+1, (newgroup-1)*3 + n_combine, sep="-")) result = result %>% select(match(c(names(dat)[names(dat)!="obs_times"], "times_combine"), names(result))) %>% extract(, lapply(.SD, mean), by = "id,times_combine") result } start_time = Sys.time() dat = dat_gen_f(30000, 20, 15) Sys.time() - start_time # Time difference of 1.503086 secs start_time = Sys.time() result = mean_dat_f(dat, 3) Sys.time() - start_time # Time difference of 4.236243 secs start_time = Sys.time() dat = dat_gen_f(13820, 15, 1) Sys.time() - start_time # Time difference of 0.4750271 secs start_time = Sys.time() result = mean_dat_f(dat, 3) Sys.time() - start_time # Time difference of 1.848106 secs -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: celestialgod (, 03/02/2015 16:22:57 ※ 編輯: celestialgod (, 03/03/2015 23:04:59

03/07 13:47, , 1F
03/07 13:47, 1F
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