[情報] ShinyLive! pyshiny, Quarto, and posit

看板R_Language作者 (cywhale)時間1年前 (2022/07/31 15:20), 1年前編輯推噓3(300)
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[關鍵字]: rshiny, pyshiny, rstudio [出處]: twitter for #rstudioconf2022 [重點摘要]: Rstudio 在這次Rstudioconf2022 做了很多較大改變的宣傳 這兩三年比較少追蹤R的發展,但像 rmarkdown -> Quarto,之前就有看到討論 但因為自己沒在用(有些舊專案仍繼續用rmarkdown),近日看到有人在用,頗為好奇 像這些近況發展,歡迎有心得的網友們分享~ 1. Rstudio announce Quarto: "Quarto is the next generation of R Markdown and takes what we've learned from the last 10 years" https://twitter.com/rstudio/status/1552641610902650881 2. ShinyLive看起來全改在前端? = Shiny + Python + WASM https://twitter.com/javierluraschi/status/1552681322082172934 但也有貼它的限制?(或者只因還在發展中..) https://twitter.com/javierluraschi/status/1552683004929183745 但可以跑python 還蠻有亮點的 https://twitter.com/ChelseaParlett/status/1552411968262524928 3 RStudio -> Posit: "RStudio changes its name to Posit as it expands focus to Python and VS Code" https://twitter.com/sharon000/status/1552285835114024960 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/R_Language/M.1659252042.A.CAA.html ※ 編輯: cywhale ( 臺灣), 07/31/2022 15:22:50

07/31 16:28, 1年前 , 1F
07/31 16:28, 1F

07/31 18:14, 1年前 , 2F
07/31 18:14, 2F

08/01 06:17, 1年前 , 3F
還以為被3M買走改叫 post-it (大誤
08/01 06:17, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1YvYrAog (R_Language)
文章代碼(AID): #1YvYrAog (R_Language)