Re: [問題] Google Interview Question (4)

看板Prob_Solve (計算數學 Problem Solving)作者 (Now of all times)時間12年前 (2013/03/05 18:11), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《Leon (Achilles)》之銘言: : Sorry, I can't understand your writing. : Also, the link seems to be wrong... : Can you describe it, step by step. : For example, there are only 3 words, (a,b,c) : how are you going to find the window, for the document : [b b a c b b b b c b b a] ? 雖然 pseudo code 可能比較短, 但由於 interview Google 時必需寫 actual code, 所以我想還是直接用實際的 Java code 表達我的想法. (我假設 window 長度指的是包含的字數, 與每個字的長度無關) 以 Leon 大給的例子: document: b b a c b b b b c b b a index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 occurence a: 2, 11 occurence b: 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 occurence c: 3, 8 執行過程及結果會是: windowBegin = 0; windowEnd = 3 windowBegin = 1; windowEnd = 3 windowBegin = 2; windowEnd = 4 windowBegin = 3; windowEnd = 11 windowBegin = 4; windowEnd = 11 windowBegin = 5; windowEnd = 11 windowBegin = 6; windowEnd = 11 windowBegin = 7; windowEnd = 11 windowBegin = 8; windowEnd = 11 bestBegin = 1 bestEnd = 3 ----------------------------------------------- import java.util.*; class Data { public String word; public int index; public Data(String w, int i) {word = w; index = i;} } class FindWindow { public static int[] findWindow(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> document, String[] query) { // 一開始將每個 occurrrences list 最小的丟入 TreeMap 就可得到第一個 window TreeMap<Integer, Data> map = new TreeMap<Integer, Data>(); for (String s : query) { ArrayList<Integer> occurrrencesList = document.get(s); if (null == occurrrencesList) {return null;} map.put(occurrrencesList.get(0), new Data(s, 0)); } int windowBegin = map.firstKey(); int windowEnd = map.lastKey(); int windowLength = windowEnd - windowBegin + 1; int bestBegin = windowBegin; int bestEnd = windowEnd; int bestLength = windowLength; while (true) { System.out.println("windowBegin = " + windowBegin + "; windowEnd = " + windowEnd); // 之後將 TreeMap 最小的移除並加入同一個 occurrrences list 的下一個即可移動 window Data data = map.remove(windowBegin); ArrayList<Integer> occurrrencesList = document.get(data.word); // 直到任一個 occurrrences list 耗完 if (data.index == (occurrrencesList.size() - 1)) {break;} map.put(occurrrencesList.get(data.index + 1), new Data(data.word, data.index + 1)); windowBegin = map.firstKey(); windowEnd = map.lastKey(); windowLength = windowEnd - windowBegin + 1; if (windowLength < bestLength) { bestBegin = windowBegin; bestEnd = windowEnd; bestLength = windowLength; } } int[] result = new int[2]; result[0] = bestBegin; result[1] = bestEnd; return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] a = {2, 11}; int[] b = {0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10}; int[] c = {3, 8}; ArrayList<Integer> listA = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> listB = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> listC = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i : a) {listA.add(i);} for (int i : b) {listB.add(i);} for (int i : c) {listC.add(i);} HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> document = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); document.put("a", listA); document.put("b", listB); document.put("c", listC); String[] query = {"a", "b", "c"}; int[] window = findWindow(document, query); System.out.println("bestBegin = " + window[0]); System.out.println("bestEnd = " + window[1]); } } -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1HDSJ6rM (Prob_Solve)
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