Re: [問題] 未排序的陣列,演算法相關問題

看板CSSE (電腦科學及軟體工程)作者 (喲)時間14年前 (2010/05/09 09:25), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《LPH66 (-858993460)》之銘言: : d = 100 : X = {90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 60, 65} : Y = {40, 30, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55} 下一版演算法: 既然前面曾提到跟 merge sort 很像,那就 1. Sort X and Y by merge sort and generate a sorted key-value list Xy. Xy = {{2,30},{2,40},{2,50},{2,51},{2,52},{2,53},{2,54}, {2,55},{1,60},{1,65}{1,90},{1,95},{1,96},{1,97}, {1,98},{1,99}} key標為1是來自X陣列,key標為2是來自Y陣列. 2. ib = 0, ie = length of Xy - 1, d = 100, d' = sum of values of Xy[ib] and Xy[ie] = 30 + 99 3. if d' = d, and key of Xy[ib] =\= key of Xy[ie], output(ib, ie) if ib is for set #1 or output(ie, ib) if ie is for set #1, and then program ends. 4. while ib < ie, do: t = near(ib+1, ie-1) // Find which of value of Xy[ib+1] and Xy[ie-1] makes d' nearer // to d than Xy[ib] and Xy[ie]. if (t == ib+1) ib++ if (t == ib-1) ie-- d' = sum of values of Xy[ib] and Xy[ie] Try step 3. if the loop ends, echo("No solution"). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yauhh 來自: (05/09 17:34)
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