Re: [閒聊] 《漫威力量聯合 VR》「繁體中文」版

看板VR (虛擬實境)作者 (HSZ)時間3月前 (2024/09/28 23:59), 編輯推噓0(000)
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已經過了好幾天,不過還是提一下。 這個計劃 (Marvel Powers United Revival Project) 在收到了 Meta 的「善意提醒」後 ,已經撤除一切載點和終止後續的多人模式(即便已經幾乎完成)。 以下文字備份自 Marvel Powers United Revival Project 的 DC 頻道關閉前的最後一篇 公告,除了說明原委之外,更重要的是一個關於 “Stop Killing Games” (停止殺掉遊 戲) 的連署: 在數位版遊戲當道的時代,玩家的權利逐漸從「所有權」變成「使用權」,而且根據使用 條款,遊戲廠商得以隨時終止服務,也就是已經「購買」(非有期限的訂閱)在收藏庫裡 面的遊戲,隨時可能被遊戲商片面決定下架,就永遠消失,即使是單機遊戲也無法繼續遊 玩,這其實是不合理的現象。如果認同這個訴求,歡迎加入連署。 Hello @everyone. Unfortunately, we regret to announce today that the “Powers Revival Project” will be closed and completely removed in the following days. While we, in good faith, wanted to help legitimate game owners download the ga me as most had already [uninstalled it at Meta's request after shutdown](https :// down-march-21st-completely-unplayable-after-that-date.336714/), that ultimatel y ended up being a terrible decision as we were unintentionally infringing on the copyrighted files belonging to Meta Platforms (MP). As would be expected, they've kindly asked us to take down this project and any infringing files. Unfortunately this also means that we will not be releasing our multiplayer se rvers that were very close to being finished. Please don't attack Meta Platfor ms or any of the original developers at Sanzaru for this as this is well in th eir right to do so and the mistake lies entirely with us. As a final request, we'd like to urge everyone to (if possible) sign the ["Sto p Killing Games" initiative]( If this initi ative was in place, this situation would not have happened and it's sad to see that so many times games get killed off and fan projects get taken down. Plea se sign this and spread the word. If possible get family/friends/anyone to sig n, this would be a massive win for gamers & consumer rights! We're still attempting to negotiate to see if there's any possible chance we c an continue but it's highly unlikely and if we don't hear back positively the server will be deleted as scheduled. Thanks to everyone for supporting the project while it existed, even though it wasn't very long from all of us here at the Powers Revival Team, Goodbye -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
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