Re: [問題] Expression vs. statement

看板Python作者 (Insomnia)時間18年前 (2007/01/05 20:44), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《huggie (huggie)》之銘言: : 什麼是 expression, 什麼是 statement? : 應該有分這兩種, 寫了很久的python了 還是沒弄懂 : : Java and C++ have the ternary conditional operator (test ? result : : alternative). Python has resisted this, but in the upcoming Python 2.5 it : will allow expressions of the form (result if test else alternative). This : undermines Python's clear distinction between expressions and statements, but : it is a compromise that many people have asked for. : "distinction between expression and statements" 不懂他什麼意思 statement 是由一些 expression 組成, 主詞 受詞 都算是 expression, 完整的一句話就算是 statement s = 2 + 1; //"s", "2+1" 是 expression, statement 則是 "s = 2+1;" test? result:alternative 他認為有點模糊化了這兩個關係 a = (i>10? 10:i); // 你覺得 i>10?10:i 算是 statement 還是 expression // 從語意上來看 他已經具有一句話的功能 甚至超越了=>statement // 但是從功能上來看 他就是一種計算 像是 2+1 =>expression // 以上兩句是我猜的 = =" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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