[問題] Google Code Jam 2009, Final - A
看板Prob_Solve (計算數學 Problem Solving)作者RockLee (Now of all times)時間13年前 (2012/04/12 20:32)推噓1(1推 0噓 7→)留言8則, 2人參與討論串1/1
Define the random variable X to be the number of contests on the i-th day.
Define Yj to be the indicator of whether the j-th tournament will have a
contest on the i-th day.
Clearly, X = Σ1<=j<=T Yj. So,
(*) Ε(X^2) = Ε((Σ1<=j<=T Yj)^2) = Σ1<=j<=T Ε((Yj)^2) + 2 Σ1<=j<k<=T Ε
We observe that each terms in the last expression is easy to compute.
Being the indicator random variables, the Y's take value 0 or 1. So
(a) (Yj)^2 always has the same value as Yj, and its expectation is just the
probability that Yj is 1.
(b) Yj Yk is 1 if and only if both Yj and Yk are 1. The expectation is the
probability that both the j-th and the k-th tournament has a contest on day i.
想到的 algorithm 只能在限定時間內跑完 small data set,
原因是(*)(a)(b)所描述的期望值關係對我而言一點也不 clearly Orz...
(1) 為何某一天的 happiness 期望值會等於: (任一比賽發生的機率的和) + 2 * (任兩
(2) 如果這一題的 happiness 定義為 S^3 的話, 要如何化簡呢?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: RockLee 來自: (04/12 20:41)
04/12 21:19, , 1F
04/12 21:19, 1F
04/12 21:20, , 2F
04/12 21:20, 2F
04/12 21:20, , 3F
04/12 21:20, 3F
04/12 21:21, , 4F
04/12 21:21, 4F
04/12 21:22, , 5F
04/12 21:22, 5F
04/12 21:23, , 6F
04/12 21:23, 6F
04/12 22:18, , 7F
04/12 22:18, 7F
04/12 23:37, , 8F
04/12 23:37, 8F
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