Re: [情報] Google I/O 2010

看板Google (谷歌Google)作者 (雷恩雷)時間15年前 (2010/05/20 23:23), 編輯推噓51(51060)
留言111則, 13人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
May 19 - 20, 2010. Moscone Center, San Francisco 官方首頁 Live keynote (話說Day 1的已經有英文字幕了) Live Wave Day 2是台灣時間今天23:30開始 說好的surprises...別讓大家失望啊XD Day 2 announcements: 1. Android 2.2: * Speed: 2x to 2.5x faster * Enterprise: Microsoft Exchange friendly * Developer services: New APIs, cloud-to-device messaging * Tethering & Portable Hotspot: 變身成WiFi基地台! * JavaScript performance: 2x to 3x faster, based on V8 from Chrome. demo顯示:2.2 > 2.1 > iPad XD * Complex speech recognition: 搜尋.聲控.語音to語音翻譯!! * Flash 10.1 beta support: Apple今天一直被酸orz * New search: 打每個字母都可以即時更新結果 * Update all: 自動更新所有apps * Bug reports for apps: including stack traces * On-The-Air install: market可以從電腦瀏覽再download到手機 * 可傳送DRM-free existing libraries: iTunes/Windows Media * Advertising:, supporting any ad format/advertiser - openness * 送給在場每一位一台HTC Evo device @@ "For those who watch it on Youtube, we're sorry :p" 2. Google TV - 結合 Web 和 TV 兩個世界的優點,變成一個seamless device: "TV meets Web, Web meets TV."
* Search bar: 結果有Web, 也有TV, 可連接到video stores * Recording functionality integrated * Speech recognition from an remote Android phone * Push to TV: 手機上正在看的東西丟到TV上面播 * Software: Android, Chrome, Flash * Android market & applications on Google TV! (就像iPad可以執行現有的iPhone applications一樣) * Live subtitle translation * Google TV will be opensourced in summer 2011! * Eric Schmidt + 大咖們 談話時間 - CEOs from: Google, Intel, SONY, Logitech, Adobe, Best Buy, Dish Network -- It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/20 23:24, , 1F
看Android板說會發表Andoird 2.2
05/20 23:24, 1F

05/20 23:29, , 2F
05/20 23:29, 2F

05/20 23:36, , 3F
沒聲音耶= =
05/20 23:36, 3F

05/20 23:36, , 4F
哇 我聽不到聲音orz
05/20 23:36, 4F

05/20 23:37, , 5F
有了 偏小聲
05/20 23:37, 5F

05/20 23:41, , 6F
05/20 23:41, 6F

05/20 23:43, , 7F
出現啦 2.2
05/20 23:43, 7F

05/20 23:52, , 8F
Tethering & Portable HotSpot 電信商不太會喜歡吧 :p
05/20 23:52, 8F

05/21 00:03, , 9F
05/21 00:03, 9F

05/21 00:05, , 10F
05/21 00:05, 10F

05/21 00:09, , 11F
05/21 00:09, 11F

05/21 00:10, , 12F
05/21 00:10, 12F

05/21 00:11, , 13F
05/21 00:11, 13F

05/21 00:13, , 14F
05/21 00:13, 14F

05/21 00:14, , 15F
05/21 00:14, 15F

05/21 00:15, , 16F
05/21 00:15, 16F

05/21 00:15, , 17F
google adsense vs apple iad
05/21 00:15, 17F

05/21 00:19, , 18F
htc evil devices
05/21 00:19, 18F

05/21 00:20, , 19F
驚喜是送htc 4g 嗎
05/21 00:20, 19F

05/21 00:20, , 20F
超扯 送EVO了
05/21 00:20, 20F

05/21 00:21, , 21F
明年組團去參加google io好了
05/21 00:21, 21F

05/21 00:21, , 22F
真好 送 EVO 4G
05/21 00:21, 22F

05/21 00:21, , 23F
goole tv ye~
05/21 00:21, 23F

05/21 00:21, , 24F
google tv 來了~
05/21 00:21, 24F

05/21 00:22, , 25F
Google TV 有surprise到@@
05/21 00:22, 25F

05/21 00:25, , 26F
2 worlds: Web, Television
05/21 00:25, 26F

05/21 00:25, , 27F
TV world這十年來進展普通
05/21 00:25, 27F

05/21 00:27, , 28F
05/21 00:27, 28F

05/21 00:31, , 29F
禿搥了 = =
05/21 00:31, 29F

05/21 00:31, , 30F
05/21 00:31, 30F

05/21 00:33, , 31F
對電視來說 用鍵盤輸入還是太彆扭
05/21 00:33, 31F

05/21 00:33, , 32F
05/21 00:33, 32F

05/21 00:33, , 33F
目前看來是完全遜的狀況,不只demo遜,功能看來也遜...- -
05/21 00:33, 33F

05/21 00:33, , 34F
連 search 整合都很不完整...
05/21 00:33, 34F

05/21 00:34, , 35F
到目前為止~google tv還沒啥驚喜
05/21 00:34, 35F

05/21 00:34, , 36F
05/21 00:34, 36F

05/21 00:35, , 37F
Google TV demo 出包很傷 >"<
05/21 00:35, 37F

05/21 00:35, , 38F
囧 again, nothing much than TIVO now
05/21 00:35, 38F

05/21 00:36, , 39F
can we switch the other box????????
05/21 00:36, 39F
還有 34 則推文
05/21 00:57, , 74F
05/21 00:57, 74F

05/21 00:57, , 75F
05/21 00:57, 75F

05/21 00:58, , 76F
喔喔push to TV好
05/21 00:58, 76F

05/21 00:58, , 77F
05/21 00:58, 77F

05/21 00:58, , 78F
是藍芽還是wifi問題= =
05/21 00:58, 78F

05/21 01:00, , 79F
10.1 flash.... p2p enabled?
05/21 01:00, 79F

05/21 01:00, , 80F
adobe賺很大 廣告很兇
05/21 01:00, 80F

05/21 01:01, , 81F
Push to TV是什麼意思?那段沒專心看
05/21 01:01, 81F

05/21 01:02, , 82F
05/21 01:02, 82F

05/21 01:02, , 83F
由手機傳送傳送intent到TV setup box
05/21 01:02, 83F

05/21 01:05, , 84F
這哪國英語 Xd
05/21 01:05, 84F

05/21 01:06, , 85F
好糊喔= =
05/21 01:06, 85F

05/21 01:09, , 86F
沒有反應,就是個Youtube Limback
05/21 01:09, 86F

05/21 01:09, , 87F
lean back
05/21 01:09, 87F

05/21 01:11, , 88F
05/21 01:11, 88F

05/21 01:11, , 89F
05/21 01:11, 89F

05/21 01:12, , 90F
又是把普通的PC接上50"TV的時間 zzzzzzzzzzz
05/21 01:12, 90F

05/21 01:14, , 91F
因為是正妹攝影機就一直拍 XD
05/21 01:14, 91F

05/21 01:17, , 92F
05/21 01:17, 92F

05/21 01:19, , 93F
05/21 01:19, 93F

05/21 01:19, , 94F
05/21 01:19, 94F

05/21 01:20, , 95F
05/21 01:20, 95F

05/21 01:20, , 96F
05/21 01:20, 96F

05/21 01:23, , 97F
05/21 01:23, 97F

05/21 01:25, , 98F
05/21 01:25, 98F

05/21 01:25, , 99F
05/21 01:25, 99F

05/21 01:25, , 100F
CEOs: Intel, SONY, Logitech, Adobe, etc.
05/21 01:25, 100F

05/21 01:26, , 101F
這堆人加起來可能有上兆,排排坐板凳看起來還是很神秘 XD
05/21 01:26, 101F

05/21 01:27, , 102F
還有 BESTBUY 最後一個有人知道嗎
05/21 01:27, 102F

05/21 01:27, , 103F
05/21 01:27, 103F

05/21 01:28, , 104F
05/21 01:28, 104F

05/21 01:28, , 105F
05/21 01:28, 105F

05/21 01:28, , 106F
05/21 01:28, 106F

05/21 01:29, , 107F
05/21 01:29, 107F

05/21 01:31, , 108F
05/21 01:31, 108F

05/21 01:32, , 109F
dish network
05/21 01:32, 109F
※ 編輯: ryanlei 來自: (05/21 01:34) ※ 編輯: ryanlei 來自: (05/21 01:40)

05/21 01:46, , 110F
05/21 01:46, 110F

05/21 01:47, , 111F
=============== 直播結束 ==============
05/21 01:47, 111F
※ 編輯: ryanlei 來自: (05/21 13:20)
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