[-Fx-] Mozilla確認同時支援 Manifest V2 和 V3

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# Firefox: Mozilla confirms support for classic extensions and Manifest V3 add- ons 原文:https://www.ghacks.net/2025/02/26/firefox-mozilla-confirms-support-for-classic -extensions-and-manifest-v3-add-ons/ 縮網址:https://is.gd/eOv8Wh While Google is ending support for classic extensions for more users of its Chrome web browser, several browser makers have pledged continued support for Manifest V2 extensions. 儘管 Google 正逐步終止 Chrome 瀏覽器對使用者提供的傳統擴充功能(extension),多家 瀏覽器開發商仍承諾會繼續支援 Manifest V2 擴充功能。 Mozilla confirmed in 2023 that the organization's Firefox web browser would support classic extensions and new extensions at the same time. It was not the only browser maker to pledge support. Brave Software and Opera Software also came forth and said that they would support at least some classic extensions. Mozilla 於 2023 年表態 Firefox 瀏覽器將同時支援傳統(V2)及新型擴充功能(V3)。 不只 Mozilla, Brave Software 和 Opera Software 等瀏覽器開發商也表示將至少支 援部分傳統擴充功能。 Mozilla reaffirmed its stance on future extensions support in Firefox this week on the organization's official blog. 本週 Mozilla 在其官方部落格上再次表明了其對 Firefox 未來擴充功能支援的立場。 https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-manifest-v3-adblockers/ In short: Firefox will support Manifest V2 and V3 extensions at the same time going forward. Mozilla says that the decision will give developers more flexibility and "creative possibilities". 簡單的說,Firefox 未來將繼續同時支援 Manifest V2 和 V3 兩種規範。 Mozilla 表示 ,這項決策將賦予開發者更大的彈性與創意發展。 This also ensures that Manifest V3 extensions are compatible with the open source browser and that users can continue using their classic extensions. In other words, it is giving users access to the best of both worlds and developers the freedom to stick to Manifest V2 for their extensions or to use the newer Manifest V3 ruleset for extensions instead. 這項決策也確保了 Manifest V3 擴充功能與 Firefox 這個開源瀏覽器的相容性,同時使 用者也能繼續使用他們原有的傳統擴充功能。 換句話說,這讓使用者可以兼得兩者的優 點;開發者也能自由選擇繼續沿用 Manifest V2 規範開發擴充,或是改用較新的 Manifest V3 規範來開發。 ## Manifest V3 的爭議 Google claimed from the very beginning that Manifest V3 was designed to improve security and performance of extensions and the browser as a consequence of that. First drafts introduced major changes that affected content blockers significantly. Google 最初聲稱 Manifest V3 的設計宗旨是提升擴充功能及瀏覽器的安全性與效能。然 而,最初版本草案中引入的重大變更,卻對內容阻擋工具造成了顯著影響。 Google conceded and got back to the drawing board multiple times to tone down the changes. The rollout of Manifest V3 was delayed numerous times, and the changes did play a role in that. Google 多次妥協並重回設計階段,以減輕這些變更的影響。 Manifest V3 的發布因此多 次延期,而這些變更正是延遲的原因之一。 The current status is the following: Google has modified Manifest V3 to improve content blocker functionality. This happened after a large outcry from developers, publications, and users. 現在的情況是:Google 已經多次調整了 Manifest V3 的內容,以提升內容阻擋工具的功 能。而這一切,是源於開發者、媒體以及使用者的大力反彈。 While Google has improved the situation, Manifest V3 is not as capable from the perspective of content blockers as Manifest V3. Raymond Hill, creator of the popular content blocker uBlock Origin, developed a weaker version of the extension for Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers in the process. 雖然 Google 已經改善了 V3。但對內容阻擋工具來說,Manifest V3 的功能仍然不如 Manifest V2。熱門內容阻擋工具 uBlock Origin 開發者 Raymond Hill,也因此為 Chrome 和其他 Chromium 核心瀏覽器開發了一個功能比較爛的版本。 Even before that, he stated that the Firefox version of the extension offered the best content blocking capabilities. With Manifest V3, this advantage has shifted even more towards Mozilla's web browser. 早在 Manifest V3 改變之前,uBlock Origin 的作者 Raymond Hill 就曾表示,Firefox 版本的功能在內容阻擋方面表現最佳。而 Manifest V3 的推出,更進一步擴大了 Firefox 瀏覽器在這方面的優勢。 -- 快速翻譯一下,沒有完全照字面翻,另外結語還有一段,但是沒有更多有效內容就不翻譯 了,有興趣可以自己點進去看~ 另外問一下有沒有快速上色的工具啊,上色好煩啊。 -- “Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” ─ Douglas MacArthur -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1740583074.A.749.html

02/26 23:27, 1天前 , 1F
02/26 23:27, 1F

02/26 23:27, 1天前 , 2F
02/26 23:27, 2F

02/26 23:36, 1天前 , 3F
沒有啊 你V3 Firefox也可以用啊 他沒有強迫你v2 是兩種都行
02/26 23:36, 3F

02/26 23:57, 1天前 , 4F
02/26 23:57, 4F
沒有強迫開發者要多版本啊 開發者任意開發一種規範就好了 https://i.imgur.com/eQiYVYQ.png
※ 編輯: MK47 ( 臺灣), 02/27/2025 00:35:40

02/27 13:08, 16小時前 , 5F
我用ChatGPT幫我V2轉V3 實測能用
02/27 13:08, 5F

02/27 15:06, 14小時前 , 6F
大部分用chatgpt的人應該沒你這種能力 我說真的
02/27 15:06, 6F

02/27 15:24, 13小時前 , 7F
V3真的好安全喔 https://youtu.be/N_UYFXsHIHE
02/27 15:24, 7F

02/27 15:25, 13小時前 , 8F
02/27 15:25, 8F

02/27 16:41, 12小時前 , 9F
02/27 16:41, 9F

02/27 16:41, 12小時前 , 10F
生的啊 安全性從頭到尾就是一坨屎
02/27 16:41, 10F

02/27 22:06, 7小時前 , 11F
要知道谷歌本質上就是廣告公司 當然對阻擋套件恨之入
02/27 22:06, 11F

02/27 22:07, 7小時前 , 12F
02/27 22:07, 12F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dlp2YT9 (Browsers)