[情報] 阿斯嘉之怒2 1.2更新

看板VR (虛擬實境)作者 (停留在2004的夏天)時間3月前 (2024/02/01 22:51), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 2月前最新討論串1/1
來源: 預覽 https://www.reddit.com/r/AsgardsWrath2/comments/193ptin/ 更新文件 https://www.reddit.com/r/AsgardsWrath2/comments/1aeyxlj/ 本文: 全文 We just released a significant update to AW2. The latest version is 1.2.1466588 我們剛釋出了AW2的重大更新,目前版號為1.2.1466588 There are a bunch of improvements, perf optimizations, new functionality, and bug fixes. The most significant changes are described below. 有大量的改進、性能改善、新功能、臭蟲修正,重大的改動在下面詳述。 Please note that if you are blocked on the Cosmic Event Objectives where you need to meet the Weavers or feed Heru, we are going to automatically credit people for those objectives. And, you’ll be able to claim rewards from previous Cosmic Events even after the new one starts tomorrow. 請注意,如果你的賽季(Cosmic Event)目標被卡在見到織命者或是餵赫魯,系統會自動檢 查已經完成的挑戰內容,且你可以在明天開始的新賽季之後獲得之前賽季的獎勵。 We’ve fixed some progression blockers as well. We tried wherever possible to apply these fixes retroactively to people that were stuck. With a game this big / complex it’s hard to say for 100% certainty that we’ve covered all cases, so if you run into something please let us know. The best way to report issues is on our Discord, here: https://discord.gg/mvETxKP38B 我們盡可能地修復進度鎖死的問題,但是無法完全覆蓋玩家遇到的種種狀況,如果這次更 新還是沒有幫到你,請上迪斯口找我們回報。 Regarding the size of the update, I had previously noted that we discovered an issue in Unreal with regards to how it organizes files. We’ve fixed this so that moving forward updates will be much, much smaller. Unfortunately part of that fix necessitated one more large download. I’m sorry about that. Again, this should not impact future updates. 關於更新的大小,我們已經搞懂UNREAL引擎的文件組織架構,不過很遺憾地是這次依然必 須用一次大型更新才能修復這些問題,相信爾後的修正不再需要玩家整個遊戲重新下載了 。 Lastly, we’re still hard at work on additional updates with more bug fixes, improvements, and new features. Yes, this includes multiple saves, Quest 3 high resolution textures, a refinement to the way Cosmic Conquests work, and many of the other common requests from the community. 最後我們依然在努力把之前承諾的功能實現,好比修正更多錯誤、改進表現、新功能,當 然包含了多欄位存檔、QUEST3專用的高解析度材質包、Cosmic Conquests、還有很多很多 社群要求的東西。 In addition, tomorrow welcomes the start of a new Cosmic Event: Into the Multiverse! This event features the Uncharted Rifts with challenges around defeating Dread Souls, clearing dungeon floors, and completing Weaver Challenges as you close the rifts in the threads of reality. 補充一下,明天就會開始新的賽季,其中會包含擊敗恐懼之魂、打到指定地城層數,完成 織命者挑戰等等。 At some point, likely a few weeks from now, I’ll post another preview of what to expect for the next patch. Thanks for playing! 最後的最後,就像上回一樣,過幾周之後我會再張貼下回更新的預覽,感謝你的遊玩! Increased the audio sample rate on the Quest 3 修正QUEST3的聲音樣本 Fixed progression breaking issues: 修正卡進度的問題 ●Completing Tanuu before completing the Observatory ●提早跑進巨龜神塔努的肚子裡。 ●Pirate Cove bridge switch not working under some conditions ●Pirate Cove的橋開關沒有反應(很初期的地方) ●Castor will not shake hands with the player ●無法和卡斯托握手 ●Horus will not accept the Balance Stone from the player ●赫魯斯不接過平衡之石 ●Using Djehuty’s head ●傑胡帝的頭 ●Collecting the Tefnut Sun Disk fragment sometimes didn’t count ●系統無法辨識塔芙努特神殿的太陽碎片 ●Sometimes you would get sent back to the beginning of the Duat on death ●死在冥府可能會被傳送回冥河(起點)去 Added an ON/OFF settings toggle for using the consumable left stick click. 追加一個可以啟用或關閉左手類比鈕輕壓快速使用消耗品的功能 Added an ON/OFF settings toggle for displaying the belt menu 追加一個可以啟用或關閉左手類比鈕壓住顯示消耗品環狀選單的功能 Remove the hero VO when quick consuming items 移除使用消耗品時的VO(我猜是指喝水的音效) Reduced difficulty of the Bruiser boss fight at the end of the Scorpion Lair 降低賽克美特巨漢的難度(在蠍子洞深處遭遇的第一個頭目) Fixed the controller relative joystick mode setting not working properly. 修正了類比搖桿沒有正常回應設定類型的問題 Improve animation for Bone Beads mode changes 改善了串骨念珠的變形動畫 Auto collect protean sword's attached item when holstering the weapon 會自動獲得劍鞭形態勾到的東西,不用特地再回收一次。 Improved performance when firing harp projectiles 改善章魚豎琴的子彈表現 Improved performance for overworlds throughout the game 改善整個遊戲世界的表現 Improved performance on body part explosions from weapons 改善武器將敵人身體炸開的表現 Improved performance when performing the 'Heavenly Havoc' Heroic 改善進行"Heavenly Havoc"時的表現 Fixed issue where players would respawn far away from the spot where they died while inside the Juvenile Feeding Chamber in the Scorpion Lair 修正玩家在蠍子洞的Juvenile Feeding Chamber 區域掛掉會被傳送到很遠的現象 Fixed a bug where certain dismounts would pass through gates 修正一些只是跑過去就莫名其妙被判定為室內的丟下坐騎的場合 Fixed bug in Sanctuary of Balance where a player could reach a lever early when using the God Grapple to reach a higher platform during the god puzzle 修正Sanctuary of Balance可以提早用神形態啟用手把的情況 Fixed rare Uncharted Rift crash that could occur during the 'Wind Serpopard' finisher sequence 修正無限地城會在蘇比拉的表親戰時會死當的現象。 Fix for player getting stuck inside of Eythingamathur's model after clipping into it during its dying animation 修正Eythingamathur戰後被卡在模組裡面的現象 Fixed Giant Cobras failing to dig up during the first combat portion of the Monster Den 'Lost RIdge Camp' preventing full completion 修正大王眼鏡蛇潛地之後再也不回來的錯誤(發生於特定地點) Fixed issue where player skin dye and player title resets when returning to the Inbetween from Uncharted Rift 修正玩家的染色劑消失的問題 Fixed bug when 'Haptics Intensity' is set to 0 yet the player continues to experience haptic feedback during IGCs and specific user actions 修正觸覺反饋設定為0時,玩家依然會在某些行動下感覺到觸覺回饋(看不懂,好像是觸覺 背心) Fixed localization bug for followers reacting in English when tossed their favorite food 修正在地化的錯誤,當隨從接到喜愛食物時會突然講英語。 Fixed bug where haptics are missing when the player hits enemies or destroys objects using various primordial weapons 修正一些用神聖武器打爆敵人或是物件時少了觸覺回饋的問題。 Fixed bug where the player can be damaged by Abraxas's Bladestorm skill if it is used after the axe is thrown back by an enemy 修正阿不拉遙控敵人丟回來的斧頭時所形成的Bladestorm會傷到阿布拉的狀況 Fixed global bug when using Prosperity relic on ranged weapons 修正遠程武器使用Prosperity(額外掉錢)這顆屬性符文的錯誤 Fixed issues where the follower requirements are missing from certain monster dens 修正一些怪物巢穴(小地城)的必要隨從圖示 Fixed bug in Temple of Osiris where players are unable to access an optional chest after completing The Osirion puzzle and obtaining Manu's Shield 修正歐西里斯神殿最深處拿盾前,玩家無法完成五個機關拿支線寶鄉的問題。 Fixed bug where the Charged Assault Cosmic Objective does not progress when using certain ranged weapons 修正賽季挑戰Charged Assault不承認某些遠程武器的問題 Fixed bug where the player is unable to give the Ankh to Heru under rare conditions 修正有些玩家無法把安卡交給赫魯的問題 Fixed bug where players were able to pull the offerings out of their holdings in the Sanctuary of the Royal Family 修正玩家在the Sanctuary of the Royal Family可以直接把祭品抓到手上的問題 Fixed localization bug where Djehuty's voiceover strings are displayed unlocalized when choosing him for the Uncharted Rift 修正在地化錯誤,傑胡帝在無限地城中會有顯示為英文的部分 Fixed issue where Final Score displayed with a question mark after finishing an Uncharted Rift in French 修正法語版的無限地城記分板會顯示問號的問題。 Fixed scout grapple exploit 修正勾著獵鷹飛的一些錯誤機制 Fixed a bug where the player could be pushed out of battle barriers 修正玩家被推出戰鬥範圍的現象 Fixed various blockers in Loki Anomalies 修正一些擋住洛基感染寶箱的障礙 Fixed exploit allowing crossing of some lava hazards unintentionally 修正一些不想給玩家逛過去岩漿地形 Fixed bug where in the pause menu may become unresponsive if the player acquires a follower inspiration skill during combat 修正玩家啟用隨從的大絕招後不能按選單鈕的問題 Fixed a rare issue where the luminous lever is missing from the pedestal during the star-crossed lovers quest 修正支線任務star-crossed lovers中,握柄莫名其妙消失的問題 Fixed progression blocker in Temple of Tefnut 修正雨水女神泰夫努特神廟的進度錯誤 Fixed rare issue of getting stuck during Cosmic Projector tutorial after reloading before tutorial completion 修正稀有的Cosmic Projector(立體投影器)教學中無故卡死的狀況 Fixed progression skip in Valley of Bones 修正巨骸山谷的進度跳躍錯誤 Fixed progression blocker in Oasis of Sorrow 修正悲傷沼澤進度卡死錯誤 Fixed issue when getting stuck as Baba during Monkey Business quest 修正控制巴巴的小遊戲卡死的狀況 Fixed Tidal Torrent particle effects when resuming from pause menu 修正退出選單時潮汐洪流粒子顯示錯誤 Fixed codex unlocks for certain initial settings 修正事典中有些東西只是點點設定就解鎖了 Fixed customization offset to avoid vision clipping. 修正自定義偏移來避免視覺裁切 Fixed enemies using knockback attacks in MR anomalies 修正了MR模式下敵人使用擊退技能的錯誤 Bug fixes for Into the Darkness quest in the Cisterns 修正任務"Into the Darkness"的錯誤 Ensure cosmetic armor, skin dyes, and titles are properly equipped for Cosmic Rifts 確保寰宇守護者的染色劑、頭銜、裝甲等等正確顯示於無限地城 Fixed arena endless mode max wave count 修正奈斯深淵或是奈斯競技場無限模式的最後一波計數器 Restore absent hallowed equipment if it was missing from inventory 恢復了消失地神聖裝備(拉神劍、賽季獎勵裝備) Fixed stun knockbacks having double knockbacks 修正了擊退暈眩攻擊有兩段擊退效果 Fixed a bug where Kivuli Stones would reset when pausing the game 修正了暫停遊戲時Kivuli Stones(不記得是啥了)會重置的錯誤 Fixed follower teleport during grapple 修正隨從會在勾爪後自動無差別傳送到玩家身邊 (EX.叫牠踩機關,你用勾爪之後牠就不聽話跟過來) Fixed quill's release reset location in the Tomb of the Scribe 修正博學者之墓中羽毛筆的重置地點 Fixed cosmic quest event for charged projectiles 修正賽季中的反擊飛行物擊殺 Fixed exploit to teleport through walls using the command beam during dismount 修正利用解除坐騎穿牆的機制錯誤 Fixed a bug where fast traveling out of a tent or house would lock Follower's command beam from use 修正用傳送石之後隨從指令不能用的錯誤 Prevent accidental access to Tanuu while still hibernating in Papyrus Swamp 避免玩家剛到尼羅河三角洲就逛進還在睡的巨龜神塔努肚子裡面 Fixed bug with Abraxas possession in the Great Sand Sea 修正阿布拉顯示的大沙海地區完成百分比 Fixed a bug where Cursed Canopic Jars could be broken with Bonestorm from any distance. 修正Bonestorm可以無視距離破壞Cursed Canopic Jars的錯誤 Fixed Viggo mount's burn VFX when sinking in lava 修正了維戈坐騎型態在熔岩裡沉沒的視覺特效 Fixed bugs during Alvilda's tutorial sequence 修正了艾爾維妲初始教學的順序錯誤 Fixed some rare cases where the player could fall out of the world when mounting the scout 修正了一個稀有的使玩家抓取獵鷹飛出地圖的錯誤(其實在講飛進詛咒之塔) Fixed a graphical issue when changing characters while in front of certain mirrors 修正玩家在鏡子前交換英雄的圖形錯誤 Fixed bug where players were allowed to grapple Followers during dialog 修正了玩家在對話中可以對隨從抓取的錯誤 Fixed prosperity relic on staff kill 修正了法杖上的 Prosperity 這顆屬性石的錯誤 Fixed bounce and split arrow going through enemy shields 修正了彈跳箭與分裂箭可以穿盾的錯誤 Fixed player getting pushed out of bounds by 'Skrithan Elder' enemy in 'Blistering Vents' 修正了玩家在Blistering Vents這地區被Skrithan Elder這個敵人擠出戰鬥區域的錯誤 Fixed Djehuty's bone storm activation in silent cavern's trials 修正傑胡帝在silent cavern發動Bonestorm的錯誤 Fixed issue with cosmetic items sometimes appearing to be missing in inventory 修正裝飾品消失的錯誤 -- 我的VR紀錄頻道 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsHEFF-UXUnCgWqD2KBFKfy86JTki3b6u 裡面有用cardboard玩魔獸一路玩到VIVE+動力椅等等的VR體驗紀錄 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1706799063.A.34A.html

02/06 12:25, 2月前 , 1F
02/06 12:25, 1F
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