[詢問] 是否也有人收到Google身分驗證的信?

看板Google (谷歌Google)作者 (phi)時間4年前 (2019/08/21 20:35), 編輯推噓0(116)
留言8則, 2人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
近日收到來自Google的來信,信件內容如下。 但其中的說明實在沒有很清楚, 不曉得有沒有人也有收到這樣的信件。 From: payments-support@google.com You're receiving this email because we've been unable to verify some information on your Google account. Please complete this form for ****** using the email address where you received this notice. Please also select Play Developer in the Service Impacted field. If you are not able to complete the form within 10 days your account will be suspended and you may be unable to continue a business relationship or maintain an account with Google. Your data safety and privacy is very important to us. Google stores your information on secure servers and never shares it, except in the limited circumstances specified in our Privacy Policy. We make great efforts to review your documentation and reply to you within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Google/M.1566390942.A.DE9.html

08/24 14:19, 4年前 , 1F
scam 吧!
08/24 14:19, 1F

08/24 14:21, 4年前 , 2F
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08/24 14:23, 4年前 , 5F
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08/24 15:34, 4年前 , 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #1TNJgUtf (Google)