Folding@home GPU2

看板Dist-Com作者 (希望你沒事)時間17年前 (2008/04/04 21:31), 編輯推噓3(306)
留言9則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
NEWS INFO :: We've internally dubbed the new GPU client/core "GPU2". Here's an update. The GPU2 closed beta testing has been moving along well. There are a few bugs which have shown up, but nothing we'd call "showstoppers" just yet. The beta test is outside of Stanford and ATI now. If all looks good, we plan to next have a completely open beta. 老話一句 快出吧! -- 這是我第一次如此大聲地叫著她的名字 但是現實使我不得不相信 這是我的第一次,也是我的最後一次 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/06 02:36, , 1F
順便想問一下 板上有同時跑BOINC跟Folding@home的嗎??
04/06 02:36, 1F

04/07 17:04, , 2F
恩 我就是....不過folding只跑一個client
04/07 17:04, 2F

04/07 17:05, , 3F
04/07 17:05, 3F

04/08 02:32, , 4F
GPU的還沒出嗎?? 還是我安裝錯個了 = =a
04/08 02:32, 4F

04/08 20:06, , 5F
for HD2XXX and 3xxx
04/08 20:06, 5F

04/08 21:00, , 6F 裡面不是有個
04/08 21:00, 6F

04/08 21:01, , 7F
V6 Beta GPU (ATI 16xx, 18xx, 19xx) clients ??
04/08 21:01, 7F

04/08 23:06, , 8F
不不不 我在等的是 2xxx and 3xxx的client(not 1xxx)
04/08 23:06, 8F

04/09 10:23, , 9F
04/09 10:23, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #17zYsvIC (Dist-Com)
文章代碼(AID): #17zYsvIC (Dist-Com)