[閒聊] 轉文:Critical review of crypto lendi

看板DigiCurrency (數位貨幣)作者 (pshadow)時間4年前 (2020/08/16 03:40), 4年前編輯推噓3(415)
留言10則, 7人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
Critical review of crypto lending platforms https://bit.ly/3g0s4hN 內文長,寫得很好,這邊轉一部分的結論。加號是好處減號是壞處。 NEXO summary: + Decent yield (also on fiat currencies) 利率不錯 + Credissimo is a legit lender, ensuring NEXO will always have customers Credissimo 是合法的借貸公司,Nexo會一直有這個客戶 + NEXO tokens are eligible to collect dividends when used as loan collateral NEXO代幣就算拿去抵押也可以拿股利 - Web of jurisdictions and shell companies 建立在空殼公司上 - Lack of clarity regarding NEXO earnings/dividends 對NEXO收益與股利不透明 - Lack of clarity in the NEXO token yield arbitrage NEXO代幣利率不透明 - Who are the borrowers? 有哪些借款人? Celsius Network summary: + Decent yield 利率不錯 + Exotic loan collateral choices 借貸資產選擇多 + Registered with SEC 在美國證交會註冊 + Withdrawal policy 提款政策不錯 - Who are the borrowers? 有哪些借款人? - Only accessible through a mobile app 只能從手機App上用 - Weak explanation of high yield 對高利率解釋不足 BlockFi Summary: + Winklewoss twins will frown disapprovingly at anyone who attempts to steal BlockFi funds Winklewoss雙胞胎不會隨便亂弄資產 + Decent yield 利率不錯 + No historical red flags (read: no useless ICO) 沒有亂ICO過 - Interest rates are decided by reading tea leaves 利息不知道怎麼定出來的 - Stablecoin collateral is limited to GUSD and directly linked to Gemini (in creasing systemic risk) 穩定幣只能用GUSD (現在選擇很多了,這是舊文章) - Who are the borrowers? 有哪些人借款? Crypto.com Summary: + If the company uses only their internal funds for liquidity purposes, it i mplies good deposit security for users 若公司只拿內部資金提供流動性,客戶存款蠻安全的 + Flexible lock-up periods for lending 鎖倉長短有彈性 - Unclear legal structure 法律結構不清楚 - History of token pumps and dumps (hence the rebranding) 以前有用Token割韭菜過 - Funds accessible only through a smartphone app 只能用手機App - Lack of focus — many products at once (credit card, lending, crypto excha nge, quant trading) 太多產品缺乏專注 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1597520438.A.AAF.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1VE3esgl (DigiCurrency)