Re: [交易] 近期POLO的BTC處理方針 關於借貸等功能

看板DigiCurrency (數位貨幣)作者 (misery)時間7年前 (2017/07/28 20:12), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《teason (茶子)》之銘言: OUR PLANS TO HANDLE POTENTIAL BTC NETWORK DISRUPTIONS 我們對於如何處理比特幣分裂的計劃 There are a number of proposals for technical changes to Bitcoin that may take effect in the coming weeks, 比特幣技術上的改變有數種方案,並將在接下來的幾個禮拜內生效 so we are taking this opportunity to communicate our plans for managing any resulting network disruption. 所以我們藉著這次機會跟大家說明我們對於這些改變造成的分裂的管理計畫 We take no position on the desirability of any particular proposal nor do we have a stake in any outcome. Our primary concern is protecting our users and their tokens. 我們對任一方案都沒有預設立場,且我們也不會因為任一種方案而獲得好處。 我們最主要關心的是保護我們的使用者以及其虛擬貨幣 As we have done in the past when faced with similar circumstances (1), any decision we make will be with the security of users' tokens in mind. 如同我們在之前面對類似狀況下的處理方式, 我們做出的任何決定將會以如何保護我們使用者的安全性做為考量。 We will be disabling deposits and withdrawals of Bitcoin (and all BTC related tokens) any time we deem necessary to ensure that all tokens stored on Poloniex remain safe. The length of any possible downtime is unknown as this is highly dependent on network stability. Our objective will be to bring the wallet back online and enable deposits and withdrawals as soon as we believe it is safe to do so. Trading will be unaffected during these periods. 我們將會針對比特幣(以及其相關幣種)暫停 存/領 的動作直到我們能確認所有存放在 Poloniex 的幣是安全的。 實際暫停的時間由於受到網路穩定性的影響所以還未能確定。 我們的目標將會是一能夠確認相關的安全性後,便立刻回復錢包及其存/領 的動作。 At this time, we cannot commit to supporting any specific blockchain that may emerge if there is a blockchain split. Even if two viable blockchains emerge, we may or may not support both and will make such a decision only after we are satisfied that we can safely support either blockchain in an enterprise environment. If we decide to support and make available derivative blockchain tokens after a blockchain split, note that if you have your tokens on loan at the time of a split, we cannot distribute the derivative tokens to you, the lender, as you would not possess them. Such loaned tokens can, and often do, leave the platform. (2) 此刻我們還不能保證支援任何分裂後的新幣種, 即使有兩個新幣種,我們可能會 也可能不會同時支援這兩種幣,並將依據是否能提供夠 安全的企業環境來做決定。 如果我們決定支援新幣種,請記住如果你在分裂的那一刻是把幣借出去的,我們無法把新 幣分配給你,因為你並不擁有它。 那此借出去的幣可以,且也通常是不在 Poloniex上。 If you don't want to leave the decision of which Bitcoin tokens to support (or recognize as valid) to a 3rd party, you should not keep your tokens on any 3rd party platform. We encourage you to follow our Twitter and Notices board for updates. 如果你不想把哪一種比特幣為有效的決定權給任何第三方, 你便不應該把幣存放在第三方平台上。 我們鼓勵你訂閱我們的 Twitter 及 Notices board 來獲得相關消息。 - The Poloniex Team : OUR PLANS TO HANDLE POTENTIAL BTC NETWORK DISRUPTIONS : There are a number of proposals for technical changes to Bitcoin that may : take effect in the coming weeks, so we are taking this opportunity to : communicate our plans for managing any resulting network disruption. We take : no position on the desirability of any particular proposal nor do we have a : stake in any outcome. Our primary concern is protecting our users and their : tokens. : As we have done in the past when faced with similar circumstances (1), any : decision we make will be with the security of users' tokens in mind. We will : be disabling deposits and withdrawals of Bitcoin (and all BTC related tokens) : any time we deem necessary to ensure that all tokens stored on Poloniex : remain safe. The length of any possible downtime is unknown as this is highly : dependent on network stability. Our objective will be to bring the wallet : back online and enable deposits and withdrawals as soon as we believe it is : safe to do so. Trading will be unaffected during these periods. : At this time, we cannot commit to supporting any specific blockchain that may : emerge if there is a blockchain split. Even if two viable blockchains emerge, : we may or may not support both and will make such a decision only after we : are satisfied that we can safely support either blockchain in an enterprise : environment. If we decide to support and make available derivative blockchain : tokens after a blockchain split, note that if you have your tokens on loan at : the time of a split, we cannot distribute the derivative tokens to you, the : lender, as you would not possess them. Such loaned tokens can, and often do, : leave the platform. (2) : If you don't want to leave the decision of which Bitcoin tokens to support : (or recognize as valid) to a 3rd party, you should not keep your tokens on : any 3rd party platform. We encourage you to follow our Twitter and Notices : board for updates. : - The Poloniex Team : : (1) : : (2) : : 就,先不要借錢給別人了。 : 小戶應該不用擔心急著轉冷錢包,但是轉冷錢包還是最安全的^.< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/28 20:32, , 1F
07/28 20:32, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1PUof1J2 (DigiCurrency)