[新聞] 人行大動作查比特幣 比特幣閃崩

看板DigiCurrency (數位貨幣)作者 (雷森)時間7年前 (2017/01/11 20:32), 編輯推噓15(1509)
留言24則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
新聞來源連結: http://udn.com/news/story/4/2223940 https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/china-bitcoin-regulation-price-fall/ 新聞本文: (中文) 中國人民銀行上海總部和北京營業管理部兩地聯手大行動,11日進駐「比特幣中國」、「 火幣網」、「幣行」等比特幣、萊特幣交易平臺,進行外匯管理、反洗錢等現場檢查。 人行京滬火線追查比特幣,引發比特幣市場交易閃崩。匯通網報導,比特幣跌破人民幣 6000元關口,最低觸及人民幣5,800元,日內跌幅超過7%。 人民幣連貶,資金外流,成為替代洗錢工具的比特幣,近來爆漲成為焦點。 華爾街見聞報導,近期比特幣行情劇烈波動上漲,部分交易平臺無法登錄,導致投資者尤 其是加杠杆的投資者蒙受較大損失。為了確保比特幣交易安全,人行7日已約談三大比特 幣交易平臺負責人,騰訊財經報導,人行意在摸底比特幣有否繞過外匯管制,轉移資產等 行為人行上海總部公告,針對近期比特幣交易異常情況將開展自查,並進行相應清理整頓。人 行強調,比特幣是特定虛擬商品,不能作為貨幣流通使用。 (英文) Bitcoin price struck a low of $845 (at the time of publishing) from a high of $918.4 on the Bitstamp Price Index for the day as China’s financial regulators are reportedly seeking opinions on how to regulate the trading of bitcoin. According to a report by China Daily, the country’s financial market regulators have inquired on how exchanges work during times of major price moves during last week’s much-publicized meetings with executives of major bitcoin exchanges. Whilst seeking opinions on how to regulate trading of the cryptocurrency, a proposed move “may include setting up a depository platform” the prominent daily newspaper revealed, citing a source. The daily points to a handful of authorities’ concerns surrounding bitcoin trading. These include focusing on the transparency of bitcoin trading, the possibility of the cryptocurrency used as a channel for capital outflows and safeguarding traders' rights. In an emailed statement to CCN, Chinese exchange BTCC – one of three bitcoin trading platforms spoken to by the People’s Bank of China last Friday – has explicitly stated that it adheres to “strict AML/KYC policies”. Furthermore, the premium price of bitcoin and the loss of value in converting yuan to bitcoin to foreign currency makes it unlikely that Chinese investors are using the cryptocurrency to evade China’s capital cap, according to recent comments by BTCC CEO Bobby Lee. Conflicting Reports Contrary to China Daily’s claims of authorities looking into any activity of capital outflow through bitcoin, Lee has also revealed that BTCC had received no pressure by the PBOC to plug the exit of Chinese capital via the cryptocurrency. “Nothing verbal or written to us,” stated Lee, following the meetings. Further, the bitcoin executive also sees regulation to occur in a further 2-3 years in China, as opposed to any impending moves by authorities to do so. As things stand, bitcoin price remains volatile, currently trading at $868 on the Bitstamp Price Index (BPI), bouncing after a low of $845 today, a steep fall after a registering a high of $918.4 for the day. The impact of the PBOC ’s warnings has been telling and the lack of clarity on what was discussed during the meetings is perhaps only adding to bitcoin price’s own uncertainty. 評論: 比特幣可能不能資金外逃惹 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1484137960.A.EE2.html

01/11 21:55, , 1F
btc又暴跌了 看那下跌的曲線 心情真舒坦
01/11 21:55, 1F

01/11 23:08, , 2F
01/11 23:08, 2F

01/11 23:08, , 3F
01/11 23:08, 3F

01/11 23:30, , 4F
01/11 23:30, 4F

01/11 23:30, , 5F
01/11 23:30, 5F

01/11 23:39, , 6F
01/11 23:39, 6F

01/11 23:40, , 7F
01/11 23:40, 7F

01/11 23:43, , 8F
01/11 23:43, 8F

01/12 00:12, , 9F
放久了一定會回來 只是要多久沒人敢保證
01/12 00:12, 9F

01/12 00:13, , 10F
但我不會在這種時間點和這種價位入手 中國那邊變數太多
01/12 00:13, 10F

01/12 01:18, , 11F
01/12 01:18, 11F

01/12 01:23, , 12F
qq 來不及賣 只好放著等了
01/12 01:23, 12F

01/12 01:26, , 13F
靠北 早上才把上個月挖ZEC換的CNY拿去買BTC打算轉回台幣
01/12 01:26, 13F

01/12 01:26, , 14F
01/12 01:26, 14F

01/12 01:27, , 15F
我只是換個錢啊 有沒有這麼刺激
01/12 01:27, 15F

01/12 01:30, , 16F
你們該不會都買在高點吧? 這種高價位竟然敢買進
01/12 01:30, 16F

01/12 07:37, , 17F
01/12 07:37, 17F

01/12 07:37, , 18F
跌阿= =
01/12 07:37, 18F

01/12 12:10, , 19F
01/12 12:10, 19F

01/12 12:10, , 20F
01/12 12:10, 20F

01/12 12:29, , 21F
中國差不多啦,錢拼命的逃 XDDD
01/12 12:29, 21F

01/12 13:07, , 22F
01/12 13:07, 22F

01/12 13:08, , 23F
01/12 13:08, 23F

01/14 09:30, , 24F
01/14 09:30, 24F
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文章代碼(AID): #1OTYNexY (DigiCurrency)