[發案] 佛號誦經次數計算APP

看板CodeJob (BBS架站)作者 (神)時間8月前 (2023/11/13 14:21), 編輯推噓3(306)
留言9則, 8人參與, 8月前最新討論串1/1
如果對於發案文章格式有不清楚的地方,請參考置底文章:[發案] 發案範例  發案人:粘先生 聯絡方式:站內信 所在地區:台中 有效時間:徵到為止 專案說明: 使用者先錄幾段聲音,然後系統開始計算使用者唸出相似於那些聲音的次數。 此功能用於誦經唸佛號時計算次數之用,因此需要做「離線即時」運算。   預算:10 ~ 20 萬   附註:詳細請參考以下我們詢價外包廠商時的描述。 The usage environment is like this: First, one prayer records the chants (within one minute). There is no vocabulary that can represent the strange sound of the chants. Furthermore, even the same chant varies in the tone a lot. Later, he or she starts the APP, puts the smartphone aside, and then begins to chant. The APP alerts when the number of times meets the goal. All in all, we need a prototype APP that shows your company has the competence to match similar audio patterns captured by smartphone on the fly, rather than using the SpeechRecognizer API etc. If it works, we'd outsource more projects to your company. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CodeJob/M.1699856477.A.870.html

11/13 19:34, 8月前 , 1F
11/13 19:34, 1F

11/14 01:34, 8月前 , 2F
11/14 01:34, 2F

11/14 17:48, 8月前 , 3F
11/14 17:48, 3F

11/14 18:06, 8月前 , 4F
11/14 18:06, 4F

11/14 18:30, 8月前 , 5F
這種直接從頻率採樣之後去做匹配計數吧,都要求要 on the f
11/14 18:30, 5F

11/14 18:30, 8月前 , 6F
ly 還多花轉文字的處理應該延遲會更高
11/14 18:30, 6F

11/14 21:01, 8月前 , 7F
11/14 21:01, 7F

11/14 22:03, 8月前 , 8F
他不是要離線 怎麼丟gpt?
11/14 22:03, 8F

11/15 04:34, 8月前 , 9F
11/15 04:34, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1bKS1TXm (CodeJob)
文章代碼(AID): #1bKS1TXm (CodeJob)