[發案] 準提科技徵PM一名

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發案人:準提電腦科技-吳小姐 聯絡方式:jenwu11@gmail.com 聯絡方式:站內信代為轉達(我不是吳小姐,請不要再叫我吳小姐~~~~) 所在地區:工作地點在台北士林區 有效時間:一個月內有效 專案說明:本次業主為外商 B2B IT service provider 職務條件為: 1. Bachelor or above in Computer Science, Information Systems or relevant degrees with 5+ years plus experience in project and service deliver in commercial operation areas. Experience in Pharmaceutical companies is preferred. 2. Strong project management (PMP certification is a plus) and good interpersonal skill. 3. Quick learner to be able to catch up with all ABC related commercial processes. 4. Fluent in spoken and written English and Mandarin (Traditional Chinese). 5. Technical expertise in: i.Business operations of commercial operations, import tax, and eInvoice. ii.Experience in business process re-engineering and continuous improvement for local application support service level. iii.Strong skills for analytics and able to lead conversation of analytics delivery solutions with local business and delivery teams. iv.Familiar with Veeva, Business Objects, Tableau, Workflow Engine and other commercial related solutions. v.Solid experience in full business application development life cycle (requirement, design, development, test, deployment). vi.Sound knowledge in ASP.Net (C#), SQL, web/DB solutions (e.g. IIS, SQL Server etc.), and workflow related solutions. vii.Familiar with ITSM processes with an ITIL Foundation certificate preferred. Other Requirements: Digital is a 7x24x365 endeavor. This role may require physical or virtual participation on a weekend, holiday, or after normal business hours. 預算:年薪90萬起跳(依年資可另議),有條件談到更好的待遇在這先恭喜你^_^ 工作性質 : Freelancer (工作期間依照客戶需求而定) 要求人數 : 1 人 接案者要求:1. 能夠獨立作業,配合度高 2. 面試合格後預計一週內可上班 備註 : 專案配合,談工作內容責任範圍與薪資結構請自行討論清楚;雙方合作愉快未來 才有更多機會!祝你有個滿意的結果。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CodeJob/M.1616947785.A.552.html
文章代碼(AID): #1WOAf9LI (CodeJob)
文章代碼(AID): #1WOAf9LI (CodeJob)