Re: [問題] 海量資料查詢的問題,Ya~第一個提問的喔!!
剛剛google了一下distributed Lucene,
"Serves very large Lucene or Hadoop Mapfile indices as index shards
on many servers"
Katta - Lucene & more in the cloud.
Katta is a scalable, failure tolerant, distributed, data storage
for real time access.
Katta serves large, replicated, indices as shards to serve high
loads and very large data sets. These indices can be of
different type. Currently implementations are available
for Lucene and Hadoop mapfiles.
Makes serving large or high load indices easy
Serves very large Lucene or Hadoop Mapfile indices as index shards
on many servers
Replicate shards on different servers for performance and fault-tolerance
Supports pluggable network topologies
Master fail-over
Fast, lightweight, easy to integrate
Plays well with Hadoop clusters
Apache Version 2 License
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※ 編輯: liberation 來自: (07/30 01:09)
07/30 10:40, , 1F
07/30 10:40, 1F
07/30 10:40, , 2F
07/30 10:40, 2F
08/13 23:39, , 3F
08/13 23:39, 3F
08/13 23:39, , 4F
08/13 23:39, 4F
08/17 01:11, , 5F
08/17 01:11, 5F
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