Re: C#的視窗程式設計
※ 引述《freaky (jon)》之銘言:
: 我這樣問好了. managed 物件要怎麼執行 native code?
: CompilerServices.CallConvCdel 是告訴 CLR 要使用什麼 calling convention.
: 這個例子並沒有告訴你 MC++ 需要 PInvoke (Platform Invoke) Service 來
: 呼叫 native function. 當然也可以這麼做, 但這是不被建議的作法.
: MC++ 裡的 unmanaged code 可以直接呼叫 native function, 而且是 compile
: 成 native code. 同樣也可以 create COM 物件, 不需要 tlbexp.exe 或
: tlbimp.exe, 兩種方法在效率上是有差別的.
: main() 是 managed 沒錯, 但 mainCRTStartup() 是 unmanaged, 而 native
: code 是靠 C runtime 執行.
不然你認為 managed code 是要怎麼 calling native code 的呢?
在 .net framework on windows 中,
Managed Code Calling Native Code 有兩種方法:
COM interop:
Managed wrapper classes allow managed code to instantiate
unmanage COM classes and invoke methods.
Platform invoke:
Managed code can call directly to stdcall or cdecl C-style
functions exported by dynamic libraries implemented in
native code.
而 Native Code Calling Managed Code 有三種:
COM interop:
Unmanaged code can use COM wrapper classes to instantiate
managed classes and invoke methods.
Managed Extensions for C++:
Native C++ classes can be compiled in the same assembly as
managed classes and can interop directly. Managed methods
can be exported directly as dynamic library entry points.
Managed code implements a delegate which is exported as a
function pointer to native code.
如果你說 managed code calling native code 不是用 PInvoke,
那可不可以請教你, 它到底是怎麼做的呢?
: __nogc 在 MC++ 裡就是 unmanaged 的意思, 可以不用寫出來.
: 剛才說了, unmanaged code 會被 compile 成 native code, C# 的 unsafe
: 仍然是 managed code.
如我之前所說, C# 沒有產生 native code 的能力.
另外, 拿 gc 來當 managed code 和 native code 的區別並不妥當.
除此之外, C++ 還可以用 #pragma managed/unmanaged 來明示.
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