Re: 行列的改進
: 推 dotZu:可是我有抓到新版輕鬆的通用輸入法格式檔耶 XD 05/18
: 推 dotZu:不過不是輕鬆資訊做的版本,是社群做的就是了… 05/18
「同人版」出現的時候我差不多已經棄輕鬆投行列了,所以沒用過 ^^;
中國海官方版真的完全是自己寫的 IME...
Windows, the aeonian nightmare.
These are the jobs of the company: Microsoft.
It's continuing mission: To make more money.
To make worse applications and worse operating systems.
To boldly do what no one has done before.
-- MichaelHsin, 2000
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