[情報] 各界給予賈伯斯的哀悼消息

看板iOS (蘋果iOS作業系統)作者 (蘋果駐台辦事處處長)時間13年前 (2011/10/06 11:04), 編輯推噓18(1809)
留言27則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
賈伯斯的競爭對手、微軟創辦人比爾·蓋茲寫到: ▲賈伯斯與蓋茲曾在 D5 會議上談笑風生。 I’m truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work. Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely. 我對於賈伯斯辭世的消息感到非常難過,梅琳達(蓋茲的妻子)和我們親朋好友將對他致 上最誠摯的慰問。對每個人來說,史蒂夫創造出許多感動世人的作品。 我和他認識將近 30 個年頭,他一直是我的同事、夥伴、競爭對手與朋友。 這世上很少有人能像他一樣做出如此深遠的影響,他的所作所為將會深深地影響我們的後 代子孫。 對於那些有幸和他共事的人,和他共事可以說是他們最榮幸的事。我會非常想念史蒂夫的 。 而 Google 創辦人謝爾蓋·布林在他的 Google+ 留言道: ▲賈伯斯與謝爾蓋·布林曾被 GIZMODO 目擊它們再矽谷喝咖啡。 From the earliest days of Google, whenever Larry and I sought inspiration for vision and leadership, we needed to look no farther than Cupertino. Steve, your passion for excellence is felt by anyone who has ever touched an Apple product (including the macbook I am writing this on right now). And I have witnessed it in person the few times we have met. On behalf of all of us at Google and more broadly in technology, you will be missed very much. My condolences to family, friends, and colleagues at Apple. ’ 回首當年我們再 Google ,常常會和拉里(Google 創辦人之一,現任 Google 執行長) 眺望丘珀蒂諾(Cupertino,蘋果總部所在地)。只要是使用過蘋果產品,包含我正在使用 的 MacBook 的人,都會感受到史蒂夫對這些產品所流露出的熱情與創意。 我想 Google 與其它的科技廠商,都會非常的想念他。而我也大表我的家人與朋友,像蘋 果表示哀悼。 FaceBook 的執行長與創辦人馬克·祖克柏則在他的塗鴉牆上寫道: ▲賈伯斯曾和祖克柏一同出席由美國總統歐巴馬舉辦的科技餐會。 Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you. 史蒂夫,謝謝你擔任我的導師與朋友。非常感謝你改變了這個世界。我會想念你的。 黑莓機的忠實用戶、曾在 iPad 上簽名的美國現任總統也透過 Twitter 表示: ▲歐巴馬曾邀請賈伯斯餐與由白宮主詞的科技餐會。 Rest in peace, Steve Jobs. thank you for the work you make possible every day — including ours. 安息吧史蒂夫·賈伯斯。感謝你創造出許多感變我們生活的作品。 -- 翻譯難免會出錯,敬請原諒。有錯誤還請提出,我會盡速修正。 -- http://www.appletech.tw/2011/10/steve-jobs-has-passed-away.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: billy4601 來自: (10/06 11:06)

10/06 11:07, , 1F
10/06 11:07, 1F

10/06 11:09, , 2F
10/06 11:09, 2F

10/06 11:13, , 3F
learn=find out
10/06 11:13, 3F

10/06 11:13, , 4F
or discover
10/06 11:13, 4F
Learn - 學習,字典: 學會,學 ...

10/06 11:14, , 5F
我覺得好像是聽聞Steve Jobs的死訊我非常難過?
10/06 11:14, 5F

10/06 11:16, , 6F
learn of= 知悉 這兩個字要一起看 不是單翻learn
10/06 11:16, 6F

10/06 11:31, , 7F
10/06 11:31, 7F

10/06 11:36, , 8F
10/06 11:36, 8F
的確是非常微妙,是敵是友很難說清楚呢。 ※ 編輯: billy4601 來自: (10/06 11:49) ※ 編輯: billy4601 來自: (10/06 11:49)

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10/06 11:53, 9F

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10/06 12:00, 10F

10/06 12:02, , 11F
10/06 12:02, 11F

10/06 12:02, , 12F
10/06 12:02, 12F

10/06 12:08, , 13F
應該是卡洛特跟貝基塔吧= ="
10/06 12:08, 13F

10/06 12:14, , 14F
10/06 12:14, 14F

10/06 12:18, , 15F
是 櫻木跟流川風
10/06 12:18, 15F

10/06 12:20, , 16F
等等 那鳴人跟佐助呢?
10/06 12:20, 16F

10/06 12:26, , 17F
皮卡丘跟小智 (誤很大
10/06 12:26, 17F

10/06 12:50, , 18F
10/06 12:50, 18F

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10/06 13:07, 19F

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10/06 14:23, , 22F
10/06 14:23, 22F

10/06 15:43, , 23F
10/06 15:43, 23F

10/06 16:03, , 24F
會偷笑 也會失落 這就是競爭對手
10/06 16:03, 24F

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10/06 16:59, 25F

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