[情報] be quiet! 散熱器相容LGA1200插槽

看板hardware (電腦硬體)作者 (耗呆肥羊)時間3年前 (2020/06/10 10:11), 3年前編輯推噓1(101)
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因為我有用 be quiet! 散熱器,剛才無意間查到有這個訊息,14小時前公布的新聞。 https://i.imgur.com/1Z0yweL.jpg
【資料來源】:https://www.eteknix.com/be-quiet-confirms-intel-lga-1200-compatibi lity/amp/ 【縮短網址】:https://bit.ly/30vmShJ “be quiet! is ready for Intel’s latest CPU socket, LGA 1200. All LGA 115x-comp atible coolers can also be mounted on the new socket, ensuring that owners of a be quiet! cooler can easily switch to the LGA 1200-platform and ensure that 10th generation Intel processors (codename “Comet Lake”) are optimally cooled. 「be quiet! 已準備好用在2020年最新的CPU插槽LGA1200。本公司所有LGA115x 相容的散熱 器皆可用在新的插槽,確保本公司散熱器的使用者可以移到LGA1200第10代Intel處理器。 In short, all CPU coolers currently available from be quiet! (with the exception of Dark Rock Pro TR4, which was specifically designed for AMD’s Threadripper p latform) are compatible with Intel’s LGA 1200 without the need for additional m ounting kits. The installation instructions are identical to those of sockets LG A 1150, 1151 and 1155.” 也就是說,be quiet! 散熱器可用在LGA1200插槽且不需額外的零件(除了 Dark Rock Pro TR4 是只用在 AMD Threadripper 平台)。安裝說明與LGA1150、1151、1155 三個相同。」 相容產品如下: *Dark Rock Pro 4 *Dark Rock 4 *Dark Rock TF *Dark Rock Slim *Shadow Rock 3 *Shadow Rock TF2 *Shadow Rock Slim *Shadow Rock LP *Pure Rock 2 *Pure Rock Slim ============================= 【補充說明】:我是用 Dark Rock 4 還沒實際去測試,be quiet! 官網有主機板相容的清 單列表。以DR4來說用在1155是沒問題,但是裝在1151可能會佔用RAM插槽空間。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/hardware/M.1591755064.A.A66.html ※ 編輯: johnhmj ( 臺灣), 06/10/2020 10:30:15

06/10 10:49, 3年前 , 1F
孔位沒換 基本都能直上
06/10 10:49, 1F

06/10 14:43, 3年前 , 2F
06/10 14:43, 2F
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