討論串[問題] 面試問到的問題...
共 8 篇文章
Bentley-Ottmann 的時間複雜度其實是 O((n+k)*lgn),其中 k 是交點個數。. 經過對偶之後,這些直線最多出現 C(n,2) = O(nn) 個交點。. 完成的時間最差是 O(nnlgn) 而不是 O(nlgn)。. 事實上還有比 Bentley-Ottmann 更好的演算法
First, I don't understant your notation.. What do you mean by the range |a|*|b|+|c|*|d| ?. It seems not a range in 2D ?. And I have the same question
OK, I really doubt your writing... Linear algebra 001, high school algebra. intersection of two lines.. y = ax + b ;. y = cx + d ;. ax + b = cx + d ;.