[問題] 收到勒索信消失

看板NetSecurity (資安 資訊安全)作者時間6年前 (2018/04/16 11:09), 編輯推噓0(006)
留言6則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
大家好, 今天早上進公司後開啟公司郵件 發現收到一封來自MRUKnown@gmail.com的勒索信 因為報警也不知道要如何處理, 想請問各位這是可以略過不管他還是? 信件內容如下 Hi, i guess you’re wondering why you’re receiving this email right? It would be highly beneficial to your privacy if you didn’t ignore it. I have placed a Marlware on an adult website (…P…0…r…n site) and as you visited and watched the video your device has been affected, placing a spyware on your machine. Which has recorded you both with webcam and screen capture while you had your “funTime” allowing me to see exactly what you see. This has also affected your smartphone via an expl0it. So do not think for one minute you can circumvent this by reinstalling your OS. You have already been recorded. After that my malware collected all your messengers, emails and social networks contacts. I guess this isn’t good news right? But don’t worry too much, there’s a way so we can fix this privacy issue. All i require is a Bitcoin payment of 150 USD which i think is a fair price considering the circumstances. The address to make the payment is: 128BrjPJQREWfbwh75QGA6sE6aX1Shq9SD If you don’t understand bitcoin, go on youtube and search for “how to buy bitcoin” or google for “localbitcoins”, its pretty easy to do it. You have only 48 hours after reading this e-mail to send payment (Be warned i know when you have opened and read this email, i have placed a pixel image inside it. Which enables me to know when you have opened the messaged on exactly what day and time) If you decide to ignore this email, i will have no choice but to forward the video to all the collected contacts you have on your email account, aswell as post on your social media accounts (facebook etc) + send as a personal message to all FB contacts. and of course make the video publicly available on internet, via youtube and adult websites. , i highly doubt you want to be exposed to your family/friends/coworkers If i receive payment all the material will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again. If you dont believe and want proof just reply to this email with “PROOF” and i will send your video to 3 of your contacts via email, and post on your face book wall. In which you will be able to remove it once, not forever. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NetSecurity/M.1523848160.A.B1B.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1Qr1FWiR (NetSecurity)
文章代碼(AID): #1Qr1FWiR (NetSecurity)