[情報] 一招解決 iOS 18.2 耗電問題:ZDNET雜誌

看板MobileComm (行動通訊)作者 (夜鷺食穀)時間3天前 (2025/01/07 22:30), 編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 7人參與, 1天前最新討論串1/1
有人覺得 iOS 18.2很耗電嗎?這不是錯覺。 這陣子外國也傳出很多耗電災情,連iPad平板也有耗電災情。 有著33年歷史的老牌資訊雜誌ZDnet, 其資深專欄作家Adrian Kingsley-Hughes 也遇到iOS 18.2很耗電的問題。 他嘗試去調整iOS的功能設定,耗電問題依然存在, 最後他發現耗電的兇手疑似是蘋果AI, 只要關掉蘋果AI,iOS 18.2就不會耗電了。 去「設定」-> Apple Intelligence & Siri,就可以關掉蘋果AI。 https://images2.imgbox.com/89/49/FRC7wE47_o.jpg
After a bit more investigating, testing, tweaking settings, and a lot of frust ration, I found the culprit: Apple Intelligence. With Apple Intelligence enabled (the setting can be found under Settings > App le Intelligence & Siri), I found it impossible to make it through a day without recharging. However, with it disabled, my battery life returned to its former levels. 出處 [ZDNET] iOS 18.2 was killing my iPhone's battery until I turned off this featu re https://is.gd/IbfOke -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1736260243.A.113.html

01/07 22:46, 3天前 , 1F
難怪沒感覺 台灣還不能用lol
01/07 22:46, 1F

01/07 22:56, 3天前 , 2F
01/07 22:56, 2F

01/07 23:22, 3天前 , 3F
13 pro沒AI沒感覺
01/07 23:22, 3F

01/08 00:47, 3天前 , 4F
台灣版沒AI 所以不耗電
01/08 00:47, 4F

01/08 01:49, 3天前 , 5F
01/08 01:49, 5F

01/08 02:36, 3天前 , 6F
01/08 02:36, 6F

01/09 21:35, 1天前 , 7F
01/09 21:35, 7F
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