[閒聊] PhoneArena 測試 續航最好的手機

看板MobileComm (行動通訊)作者 (Nexus)時間3年前 (2020/06/01 15:57), 編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 12人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
連結:https://bit.ly/2ZTyCdw 先說結論,旗艦機5款,中階機2款 都用60hz,三星S20系列使用獵戶座版本測試 連續撥放串流影片/上網/3D遊戲直到沒電 不過用60hz測試感覺沒啥代表性== 想不到S20三兄弟用獵戶座還算能打,那用高通應該更好些 旗艦: Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro (4500 mAh) Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra (5000 mAh) OnePlus 8 (4300 mAh) Galaxy S20+, S20 (4500, 4000 mAh) iPhone 11 Pro Max (3960 mAh) 中階: Moto G8 Power (5000 mAh) Moto G8 (4000mAh) High-end phones with best battery life *This ranking is for phones used at 60Hz refresh rate. Higher refresh rates affect battery life significantly. #5 iPhone 11 Pro Max Web Browsing test score: 12 hours 53 minutes Video streaming test score: 8 hours 58 minutes 3D Gaming test score: 7 hours 30 minutes #4 Galaxy S20+, S20 *Exynos models tested. Web Browsing test score: 12 hours 40 minutes for S20+, 12 hours 12 minutes for S20 Video streaming test score: 9 hours 53 minutes for S20+, 10 hours 20 minutes for S20 3D Gaming test score: 8 hours 26 minutes for S20+, 7 hours 43 minutes for S20 #3 OnePlus 8 Web Browsing test score: 12 hours 15 minutes Video streaming test score: 9 hours 37 minutes 3D Gaming test score: 10 hours 16 minutes #2 Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra *Exynos models tested. Web Browsing test score: 12 hours 23 minutes Video streaming test score: 10 hours 30 minutes 3D Gaming test score: 9 hours 12 minutes #1 Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro Web Browsing test score: 14 hours 12 minutes Video test streaming score: 11 hours 30 minutes 3D Gaming test score: 10 hours Budget Phones with Best Battery Life #2 Moto G8 Web Browsing test score: 13 hours 56 minutes Video streaming test score: 9 hours 14 minutes 3D Gaming test score: 7 hours 4 minutes #1 Moto G8 Power Web Browsing test score: 15 hours 54 minutes Video streaming test score: 8 hours 55 minutes 3D Gaming test score: 11 hours 34 minutes -- 標題 [情報] M9PeGN 512G 24Hr特價中

01/16 11:33,
妥善堪虞,售後也不理想 喜歡快買幫清庫存
01/16 11:33

01/16 12:40,
說別人亂黑前自己先去辜狗plextor ssd歷史 或許a粉
01/16 12:40

01/16 12:40,
01/16 12:40
==============A Few Moments Later=============== https://imgur.com/ArAAyZp
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1590998273.A.1F6.html

06/01 15:58, 3年前 , 1F
06/01 15:58, 1F

06/01 16:01, 3年前 , 2F
有 90+ fps 的螢幕更新率不開,感覺就很可惜阿
06/01 16:01, 2F

06/01 16:11, 3年前 , 3F
G8 power
06/01 16:11, 3F

06/01 16:16, 3年前 , 4F
台灣沒有g8 power,可惜
06/01 16:16, 4F

06/01 16:18, 3年前 , 5F
簽名檔 XD
06/01 16:18, 5F

06/01 16:25, 3年前 , 6F
06/01 16:25, 6F

06/01 16:27, 3年前 , 7F
8 pro螢幕還沒解決啊...
06/01 16:27, 7F

06/01 16:32, 3年前 , 8F
06/01 16:32, 8F

06/01 16:53, 3年前 , 9F
06/01 16:53, 9F

06/01 17:16, 3年前 , 10F
06/01 17:16, 10F

06/01 18:47, 3年前 , 11F
g8 power 台灣到底要不要進啊?
06/01 18:47, 11F

06/01 20:54, 3年前 , 12F
京東貌似昨天把8 PRO價格標錯成香香價有人搶到嗎?
06/01 20:54, 12F

06/01 20:54, 3年前 , 13F
06/01 20:54, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1UrBK17s (MobileComm)
文章代碼(AID): #1UrBK17s (MobileComm)