[討論] 找出兩條直線的交點

看板MATLAB作者 (米豆)時間18年前 (2007/04/12 18:53), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
小弟因為有需要 可是爬過文發現沒有人有這樣的問題 於是自己寫了一個 也順便分享出來 希望各位前輩也可以幫小弟找看看有沒有錯誤 還是說有更好的寫法 以下是code function [x y] = crosspoint(line1,line2) % This function can find the cross point with two straight lines % Input matrix : line1 = [line1(x1),line1(y1) ; line1(x2),line1(y2)] % line2 = [line2(x1),line2(y1) ; line2(x2),line2(y2)] % x1,y1 and x2,y2 is the two end points of lines % [x y] is the cross point of two straight lines %%%%%%% test %%%%%%%% line1 = [0.8,2.6 ; 6,9.4]; line2 = [5,-2 ; 2.55,8.45]; %%%%%%% test %%%%%%%% x11 = line1(1,1); y11 = line1(1,2); x21 = line1(2,1); y21 = line1(2,2); x12 = line2(1,1); y12 = line2(1,2); x22 = line2(2,1); y22 = line2(2,2); %%%%%%% test %%%%%%%% plot([x11 x21] ,[y11 y21]);hold on;plot([x12 x22] ,[y12 y22]); %%%%%%% test %%%%%%%% seta = 0; setb = 0; % line1 if x11 == x21 % for x = a y + b str1 = [num2str(x11) '=a*(' num2str(y11) ')+b']; str2 = [num2str(x21) '=a*(' num2str(y21) ')+b']; [aa1,bb1] = solve(str1,str2,'a','b'); a1 = subs(aa1) ; b1 = subs(bb1) ; seta = 1; else % y11 == y21 or other % for y = a x + b str1 = [num2str(y11) '=a*(' num2str(x11) ')+b']; str2 = [num2str(y21) '=a*(' num2str(x21) ')+b']; [aa1,bb1] = solve(str1,str2,'a','b'); a1 = subs(aa1) ; b1 = subs(bb1) ; end % line2 if x12 == x22 % for x = a y + b str1 = [num2str(x12) '=a*(' num2str(y12) ')+b']; str2 = [num2str(x22) '=a*(' num2str(y22) ')+b']; [aa2,bb2] = solve(str1,str2,'a','b'); a2 = subs(aa2) ; b2 = subs(bb2) ; setb = 1; else % y12 == y22 or other % for y = a x + b str1 = [num2str(y12) '=a*(' num2str(x12) ')+b']; str2 = [num2str(y22) '=a*(' num2str(x22) ')+b']; [aa2,bb2] = solve(str1,str2,'a','b'); a2 = subs(aa2) ; b2 = subs(bb2) ; end % solve y = a*x + b if seta == 1 st1 = ['x=' num2str(a1) '*y+(' num2str(b1) ')']; else st1 = ['y=' num2str(a1) '*x+(' num2str(b1) ')']; end if setb == 1 st2 = ['x=' num2str(a2) '*y+(' num2str(b2) ')']; else st2 = ['y=' num2str(a2) '*x+(' num2str(b2) ')']; end [xx,yy] = solve(st1,st2,'x','y'); x = subs(xx); y = subs(yy); %%%%%%% test %%%%%%%% plot(x,y,'o','MarkerSize',3,'LineWidth',2); %%%%%%% test %%%%%%%% % program end 謝謝大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/13 00:05, , 1F
04/13 00:05, 1F

04/14 16:09, , 2F
04/14 16:09, 2F

04/15 11:06, , 3F
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04/15 22:15, , 4F
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01/08 22:18, , 5F
為什麼我用這個函式解出來的點只有X座標 沒Y座標呢
01/08 22:18, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #167W-iI6 (MATLAB)
文章代碼(AID): #167W-iI6 (MATLAB)