Octave - linux版的Matlab

看板MATLAB作者時間18年前 (2007/03/07 17:54), 編輯推噓8(800)
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圖文版 http://blog.pixnet.net/kewang/post/3148685 昨天晚上在上GA的時候,老師說上課要用Matlab,可是我是用linux,哪來的Matlab可以 用,雖然Matlab有linux版,可是聽說要10張小朋友。 所以我就找了一些資料,發現在linux下有蠻多Matlab的替代軟體,像是Octave, Rlab還 有R,這三套在linux上好像都蠻多人在用的。 Octave的首頁就這樣說了,「相容於Matlab」,所以拿來代替Matlab應該是再恰當也不過 了。 GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. Rlab的首頁則是這樣子表示,「Rlab想要做的比Matlab更好」,可是原來的作者Ian Searle已經停止開發了。停止開發四年後,有另一位叫做Marijan Kostrum的人接手了 Rlab的這個計畫,後來發展成Rlab plus。這感覺怎麼跟BMP和BMPx的關係好像 XDDDD Rlab is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment. Rlab is a very high level language intended to provide fast prototyping and program development, as well as easy data-visualization, and processing. Rlab is not a clone of languages such as those used by tools like Matlab or Matrix-X/Xmath. However, as Rlab focuses on creating a good experimental environment (or laboratory) in which to do matrix math, it can be called ``Matlab-like''; since the programming language possesses similar operators and concepts. R的首頁是說,「R是一個統計計算的語言」,感覺上好像跟Matlab的用處不同,所以我也 沒有繼續再研究了。 R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R. 總之我現在是使用Octave了啦。要安裝Octave很簡單,反正就是apt-get就對了 sudo apt-get install octave2.9 不過Octave沒有內附的image generator,所以我們要利用gnuplot這套軟體來幫助Octave 產生圖形。 sudo apt-get install gnuplot 安裝好之後我們就可以開始使用Octave啦,只要在終端機輸入octave就可以了 首先先輸入一個簡單的函式,看看能不能使用Octave+gnuplot來繪圖。 x=[0 2 4 7 10 12] y=[3 4 0 6 1 3] plot(x,y) 如果有出現下面的這個圖,那就大功告成啦! 參考資料: Octave Rlab Web Site Welcome to the RLaB plus 1.0 website The R Project for Statistical Computing gnuplot homepage 幾個可以處理矩陣的計算機: octave/rlab/R -- 雜七雜八的kewang部落格 http://kewang.pixnet.net -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/07 18:21, , 1F
03/07 18:21, 1F

03/07 21:52, , 2F
03/07 21:52, 2F

03/08 01:03, , 3F
也可以考慮採用 Python + matplotlib
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03/08 22:07, , 5F
推 NumPy & SciPy
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03/09 10:52, , 6F
Open Source is Excellent!
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03/09 20:57, , 7F
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03/12 22:28, , 8F
也有Scilab http://0rz.tw/272uN 一些連結
03/12 22:28, 8F
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