Google 軟體工程師與實習生校園徵才活動

看板Google (谷歌Google)作者 (sega)時間17年前 (2008/03/04 08:20), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1 Google將為電腦科技人才與資訊相關科系在校學生提供成為軟體工程師與實習生機會。如 果您想與世界頂尖的軟體工程師一起工作,參與重要網路軟體研發,Google的工作與實習 機會將是您不可錯過的選擇!Google為大家提供各種解決不同電腦科學領域難題的機會, 如開發大型分散式檔案系統、設計和改進可以抓取及索引數十億網頁的軟體、應用機器學 習技術瞭解資料之間的關係和關聯等。 如果您是充滿熱情的程式高手、資訊相關科系的高材生、如果您希望從快速成長的搜尋引 擎科技中獲得改變世界的力量,Google正在尋找您 ! 徵才活動+面試:機會不容錯過! 3月起Google將開始2008年軟體工程師與實習生徵才。徵才活動分為 :校園演講和面試。 演講內容包括Google公司概況介紹,招募職位和流程介紹,與Google工程研究所簡立峰所 長及工程師和實習生經驗交流等。請攜帶簡歷參與活動並註明申請職稱! * 交通大學 日期: 2008年3月17日 時間:18:40pm – 19:40pm 地點:交大浩然圖書館國際會議廳 * 清華大學 日期: 2008年3月19日 時間:15:30-16:20pm 地點:清大活動中心一樓102演藝廳 * 臺灣大學 日期: 2008年3月20日 時間:12:20-13:10pm 地點:台大管理學院一館B1會議廳 徵求職務 軟體工程師: Software Engineer – Taipei Positions are available in Taipei. Description: Google is looking for world-class engineers to develop the next generation software products. Google’s engineering team is working on problems that span all areas of computer science, including cutting-edge information retrieval algorithms, scalability issues in efficient, reliable access to massive data structures, user interface challenges, and a variety of novel product features. Everything Google’s engineers do affects millions of people. If technology that can change the way the world finds information excites you, contact Google! Requirements: * BS/MS/PhD in computer science or a closely related field. * Strong C/C++/Java programming skills. * Substantial knowledge of UNIX/Linux or Windows environments. * Enthusiasm for solving interesting problems. * Fluency in English (reading and writing). 軟體實習生:Software Engineering Intern – Taipei Positions are available in Taipei. Description: Google has an exciting and innovative summer internship program for students pursuing degrees in Computer Science or a closely related area. If you are interested in working with some of the best software engineers and researchers on some of the hottest technology present on the web, then this internship is for you. Google offers opportunities to solve fascinating problems in many different areas of computer science including: building large-scale distributed file systems, designing and improving software that can crawl and index billions of web pages, applying machine learning techniques to learn relationships and associations within the data that we have and more. Requirements: * Currently pursuing a BS, MS or Ph.D. in Computer Science. * Extensive experience in Systems Software or Algorithms. * Strong C/C++/Java programming skills. * Knowledge of UNIX/Linux or Windows environments and APIs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sccheng 來自: (03/04 08:21)

03/05 00:05, , 1F
業務部門都不缺喔 礙...學管理的商科的也想進 Google
03/05 00:05, 1F

03/05 11:09, , 2F
03/05 11:09, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #17p9NLk5 (Google)
文章代碼(AID): #17p9NLk5 (Google)