[心得] [-CA-] 純打王玩家簡略指南

看板Facebook (臉書)作者 (Barlron)時間15年前 (2009/11/04 16:20), 編輯推噓3(3021)
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已經將中英文分開 造成閱讀的困擾 不好意思 任務/屬性 1.先把全部的點數都丟到Stamina 然後祈禱全部給Azeron 直到4500點 一開始只打龍 其他不打*主要是為了龍盔* 2.當你在Land of Fire那關拿到3 -4個任務100% 開始把energy加到45(為了做最後一個任務) (11/03改版為25energy 感謝版友ZephyrAvatar指正) 3.當你完成Orc King的任務之後(就是land of fire的最後一個任務). 把全部的energy都用在這關 讓全部的任務都達到等級4 100% 4.重覆步驟2 跟 3 直到全部的關卡都達到100% 5.此時你應該不會超過100的energy. 然後全部都用來做"Duel Cefka's Knight Champion" 這個任務(最高效益比的任務) 此時你可以開始打惡魔了.記得惡魔只能10個人打 最好將全部的精力都放在這上面. 後面是一些廢話 就是跟你說大概stamina到200 沒有一定確切的數字 看你自己 然候就可 以開始加ATTACK 或Stamina Demi-gods 當裝備開始影響攻擊之後 有幾個裝備是盡量要拿到的 Azeron -- +Stamina, good weapon slot item (17), BEST shield slot item(50) Malekus -- +Attack, BEST weapon slot item (20) Aurora -- +HP*, BEST slot item (15), BEST amulet slot item (40) 當你有上面這三樣裝備之後 可以在 Azeron 和 Malekus兩個跳著祈禱. *千萬不要加生命 *Ambrosia and Corvintheus 沒啥好拿的 Ambrosia 可以拿到的最好法術也只比任務拿到的多2點點數. 所以這兩個可以跳過不管 物品/將軍 你的裝備跟將軍跟你打龍和惡魔一點關係都沒有 所以在你打九頭蛇之前你應該會有很多時間可以來收集他們. 武器 1.最終目標當然是 Berserker Axe(20). 但你可能要花不少時間去拿到. 2.The Holy Avenger(12)任務就可以拿到了 這應該是你拿到Berserker Axe之前最好的武器. 3.打王應該也會掉一堆亂七八糟的武器 如果你真的運氣很差 也可以請朋友寄禮物給你 合成Dragonbane (5). 要不然最不濟你也可以去商店買 Battle Axe(4) 盾牌 1. 最終目標當然是 the Sword of Redemption (50) 雖然他不是一個盾 可是卻放在盾的位子. 2. 事實上在攻擊面看來 並沒有太多的好盾牌可以選擇. 最容易到手的應該是禮物合成的蛇盾. 3. 當然龍跟惡魔也會掉盾 Dragon Scale (4) and The Dreadnought (3) 頭盔 1. 最終目標 不用講一定是龍盔Helm of Dragon Power (30) 2. 或是打王也會掉Moonfall Crown (6) or Dreadnought Horns(6). 3. 當然如果你都沒有 向 Azeron 祈禱 可以拿到只次於龍盔的the Cowl of the Avenger (12) 盔甲 1. 最終目標是Aurora祈禱送的Moonfall Robes (15) 2. 要不然打王也會掉Elven Plate (6) and Dreadnought Plate (8) 項鍊 1. Auroa 給的Moonfall Amulet (40) 2. 打王掉的Jewel of Fire (7), Avenger Amulet (5), and Berserker Amulet (5) 3. 最不濟你可以拿 Amulet of Cefka (6), 不過這可能要花費你一些時間 法術 1. 最好的法術當然是向Ambrosia祈導到 4500點送的法術 可是你真的不需要這樣做 浪費時間在祂身上實在很沒意義. 2. 一般來說 任務送的Lightning Storm (15) 就已經很夠了 3. 打王也會掉Lightning Bolt (8), Wolf Spirit (7), Wall of Fire (7), Greater Fireball (6) and from praying, Berserker Frenzy (6) 4. 要不然就請朋友送你禮物合成Dragon Charm (3) 將軍 目前沒有啥特別的將軍能用.你至少要有Celesta (12 解任務送的). 然後當你解開Land of Water 你就可以拿到Vanquish(15). 如果上面兩個將軍你都沒有 那不管怎樣 就叫出你attack最高的吧 原文如下 Quest/Stat Allotment 1. Starting the game - all stats to stamina, pray to Azeron (until you get 4500 points). Fight only dragons to begin (best exp, start getting helm pieces). 2. Around when you have finished 3 or 4 quests to 100% influence in the land of fire, focus on energy till you get 45 energy (in order to do the last quest). 3. Once you finish the "Orc King" quest (last one in land of fire), use energy to complete each quest to level four 100% influence. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each area until you complete all quests to 100%. 5. You should have no more than 100 energy. Use it all to do "Duel Cefka's Knight Champion" (most energy-to-experience quest). Feel free to fight keira whenever you have what you feel is a decent amount of stamina. Remember keira can only have 10 people so you will have to pull your weight. When you gain around 200 stamina (theres no exact number, personal preference based on when/if you want to fight cronos) start to switch to attack. Keep a balance between attack and stamina, the exact ratio is up to you and how much you focus on cronos in comparison to the other monsters. Demi-gods Since gear affects cronos, the demi-gods must be looked at with gear in mind as well as stats, I would rank the order to work on them as follows. Note: only the attack is looked when considering items. Azeron -- +Stamina, good weapon slot item (17), BEST shield slot item(50) Malekus -- +Attack, BEST weapon slot item (20) Aurora -- +HP*, BEST slot item (15), BEST amulet slot item (40) After you have all 3 of those, switch between Azeron and Malekus depending on which stat you want at the time. *HP doesn't help in a damage sense, however cronos deals a LOT of damage, which can mean healing 2-3 times as you build up more stamina Ambrosia and Corvintheus offer nothing worth praying for. Note - Ambrosia has the BEST spell slot item (17), but it is only 2 damage higher than the spell (15) that you receive from questing. The amount of days spent to get it would not help you more than praying for stamina or attack. Items/Generals Note that your items and general don't affect dragons/kiera, so there is plenty of time to build them up before you fight (or seriously focus on) cronos. Weapon - The eventual goal is the Berserker Axe (20), however it will take a while to obtain it. The Holy Avenger (12) from questing will most likely come before the axe. There are various items dropped from monsters and the chest that range anywhere from 3-10 damage. Alternatively you can get a Dragonbane (5) from alchemy (gifts) or even the Battle Axe (4) can be purchased for 1 million gold. Shield - The eventual goal is the Sword of Redemption (50). It isn't really a shield, but it occupies the shield slot. There aren't too many good shields (attack-wise) early on. The easiest shield to get quickly is Serpentine (4) from alchemy (gifts), although the Dragon Scale (4) and The Dreadnought (3) can drop from monsters. Head - The eventual goal is the Helm of Dragon Power (30) from alchemy. You can easily obtain a Moonfall Crown (6) or Dreadnought Horns(6) from killing monsters. You will also gain the Cowl of the Avenger (12) from Azeron if you don't have the dragon helm by then. Armor - The eventual goal would be the Moonfall Robes (15) from Aurora. Decent armor from monsters would be Elven Plate (6) and Dreadnought Plate (8) along with a few lower stat ones. Amulet - The waaaaay eventual goal is the Moonfall Amulet (40) from Aurora. Until then you can get the following items from monster drops: Jewel of Fire (7), Avenger Amulet (5), and Berserker Amulet (5). You can also receive the Amulet of Cefka (6) from questing, but it will take you a while to get to that point. Spell - The unrealistic eventual goal is the Tempest Storm (17), however it would be by earning 4500 points from attacking monsters since Ambrosia is not worth praying to. The more realistic goal would be the Lightning Storm (15) from questing, although that will take a while to obtain also. There are several decent drops from monsters including Lightning Bolt (8), Wolf Spirit (7), Wall of Fire (7), Greater Fireball (6) and from praying, Berserker Frenzy (6). If you have nothing else, the easiest thing to get is the Dragon Charm (3) from alchemy (gifts). General - So far, I have not seen a huge difference when using different generals against cronos. You should (hopefully) have Celesta (12) by the time you start seriously fighting cronos. You will eventually unlock Vanquish (15) once you unlock the Land of Water. Those are the best generals easily obtained, although better ones can be obtained with a combination of favor points and luck. If you do not have Celesta, simply use the best general (highest attack) that you can buy at the time. -- 有錯請指正 http://www.facebook.com/mikepan1010/ 歡迎加我 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mikepan 來自: (11/04 16:24)

11/04 16:44, , 1F
Land of Fire的王已經改成25en了...
11/04 16:44, 1F
※ 編輯: mikepan 來自: (11/04 17:00)

11/04 17:00, , 2F
已修改 謝謝
11/04 17:00, 2F
※ 編輯: mikepan 來自: (11/04 17:00)

11/04 17:48, , 3F
建議中英文分開排版 老人家這樣看好力
11/04 17:48, 3F

11/04 17:51, , 4F
11/04 17:51, 4F

11/04 18:19, , 5F
不太認同, 其實attack不見得比energy好
11/04 18:19, 5F

11/04 18:28, , 6F
打王而言, att的效果主要是在Keira跟Hydra才有較大差距
11/04 18:28, 6F

11/04 18:29, , 7F
另外...其實全加sta跟att的話, 後期升級會非常慢
11/04 18:29, 7F

11/04 18:29, , 8F
但相對而言,你有越高的En+Sta就有越多Exp,升級越快. 也就
11/04 18:29, 8F

11/04 18:30, , 9F
11/04 18:30, 9F

11/04 18:31, , 10F
之後並進反而是比較好的方式 (反正別點HP就對了)
11/04 18:31, 10F

11/04 19:18, , 11F
11/04 19:18, 11F

11/04 19:19, , 12F
不覺得耶, 以前的玩法比較死..
11/04 19:19, 12F

11/04 19:20, , 13F
沒有龍以前就是點很多En, 然後完成Quest賺經驗等升級
11/04 19:20, 13F

11/04 19:21, , 14F
有玩battle的話稍微點一些sta, 頂多再點一些AD
11/04 19:21, 14F

11/04 19:22, , 15F
基本上以前玩法就跟Miafa War差不多, 狂點經驗狂作Quest
11/04 19:22, 15F

11/04 19:23, , 16F
11/04 19:23, 16F

11/04 19:24, , 17F
11/04 19:24, 17F

11/04 19:24, , 18F
11/04 19:24, 18F

11/04 19:55, , 19F
11/04 19:55, 19F
※ 編輯: mikepan 來自: (11/04 20:05)

11/04 20:08, , 20F
11/04 20:08, 20F

11/04 22:44, , 21F
升級速度會同時影響補滿Sta速度&技能點增加速度. 補Sta慢
11/04 22:44, 21F

11/04 22:44, , 22F
就是打王連續轟炸次數比別人少, 技能點少就是你屬性比人低
11/04 22:44, 22F

11/04 22:46, , 23F
11/04 22:46, 23F

11/04 22:47, , 24F
11/04 22:47, 24F
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