[新聞] 中國將領準備打第三次世界大戰?已刪文

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新聞來源連結: https://reurl.cc/yrvZnE 新聞本文: Is China's Military Command Prepping for War? Clare M. LopezBy Clare M. LopezFriday, 20 May 2022 09:10 AM (前 CIA 高級官員) 簡單翻譯: 根據一段中共內部高級將領會議的錄音顯示, 中共準備對台灣發動突襲, 包括印尼, 日本, 菲律賓, 和千島群島等, 中共採取軍民聯合總動員的方式, 所有民營船隻車輛支援軍方進行超限戰, 另外輔以生物戰方式引發另一場全球大流行, 也是戰爭計畫的一部分, 尤其是廣東省造船廠的支援達 90 家公司, 改裝 113 艘民用船為海軍艦艇, 約每月 280 艘. 其中還改裝渡輪, 油罐車, 無人駕駛船, 約每月 90 艘的速度生產, 廣東省還已將 16 顆衛星送入軌道, 地面站約 4 座運行控制它們. 四個地面站位於廣東省, 黑龍江省, 新疆, 山東省. 雖然北約專注擊敗俄羅斯對烏克蘭入侵, 並期望中國對台灣任何軍事攻擊將推遲到 2022 年 11 月中共選舉之後, 然而, 習近平希望贏得第三個黨主席任期, 並在今年 10 月份對台灣發動一場意外的戰役, 讓台灣跟美國日本等盟友措手不及. According to an audio recording, reportedly leaked out of a recent high-level meeting that took place in Beijing, China, among senior officers of the People ’s Liberation Army (PLA) Guangdong Military Region of the Southern Command, as well as Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is actively preparing to put the country on a war footing. Plans discussed at the early May meeting focused on a surprise military attack against Taiwan and seizure of the first island chain of archipelagos out from the East Asian mainland that includes territory belonging to Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and Russia (the disputed Kuril Islands). Much of the area within the first island chain is claimed by the PRC, for example, within its so-called “Nine-Dash Line.” The Gateway Pundit published a report about the joint CCP-PLA meeting on May 16. Home | Clare M. Lopez Tags: china | war | russia | taiwan Is China's Military Command Prepping for War? chinese flage with missiles shooting in front of it (Dreamstime) Clare M. LopezBy Clare M. LopezFriday, 20 May 2022 09:10 AMCurrent | Bio | Archive facebooktwitter Comment|Print| A A According to an audio recording, reportedly leaked out of a recent high-level meeting that took place in Beijing, China, among senior officers of the People ’s Liberation Army (PLA) Guangdong Military Region of the Southern Command, as well as Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is actively preparing to put the country on a war footing. Plans discussed at the early May meeting focused on a surprise military attack against Taiwan and seizure of the first island chain of archipelagos out from the East Asian mainland that includes territory belonging to Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and Russia (the disputed Kuril Islands). Much of the area within the first island chain is claimed by the PRC, for example, within its so-called “Nine-Dash Line.” The Gateway Pundit published a report about the joint CCP-PLA meeting on May 16. The key focus of the CCP-PLA meeting was preparation to build a “ military-civilian joint mobilization command and control system,” “ establishing wartime procedures,” and “preparing for wartime command and control.” The immediate Chinese military objective is conquest of Taiwan along with achieving a sweeping complete control of the South China Sea. That objective includes holding onto the artificial islands China has built up in the South China Sea and removing all U.S. and Western allied presence from the first island chain. These apparently extensive military campaign objectives necessarily would bring the PLA into direct military conflict with Japanese, U.S. and other allied Western naval forces operating in the area of the South China Sea, explicitly including Australia and Japan, among others. Internal operatives belonging to the Lude Media network smuggled out both the audio and a still photo of the meeting. An English language translation of the meeting transcript is being prepared. Details discussed at the Beijing meeting in early May included employment of the full spectrum of “Unrestricted Warfare” capabilities. For example, the PLA military command plans to flood the South China Sea with ostensibly “civilian” vessels, such as fishing craft, when, in fact, such ships will be fully armed PLA naval warships. Should they be approached or countered by U.S. or other naval vessels, Beijing will raise a disinformation clamor about “harassment” of civilian fishermen. Internal as well as international CCP disinformation campaigns will work to portray China as the innocent party. Co-opted media outlets throughout the U.S. and the West in general already have been recruited to the CCP’s propaganda effort, as reported by the National Pulse in December 2020. Release of another Biological Warfare (BW) agent with intent to set off another global pandemic could also be part of the war plan. Additionally, the Guangdong Province manufacturing, shipbuilding and ship reconfiguring capabilities reportedly include some 90 firms along the coast which can refit up to 113 civilian ships simultaneously as disguised naval vessels, with an overall capability for some 280 ships per month. Roll-on, Roll-off ferries are being converted to tank carriers and unmanned ships also can be produced at the rate of about 90 per month. Guangdong Province also has launched 16 satellites into orbit with 4 ground stations in operation to control them. The four ground stations are located in Zhuhal (Guangdong Province), Mohe (Heilongjiang Province), Wusu (Xinjian Province) and Gaomi (Shandong Province). While the U.S. and Western/NATO allies are focused on defeating the Russian invasion of Ukraine and perhaps expecting that any Chinese military attack against Taiwan would be delayed until after the November 2022 CCP elections — where Xi Jinping hopes to win a third term as Party Chairman — in fact, the Chinese instead may be planning a surprise October campaign that would take the U.S., Taiwan, and Western allies unprepared. And while Russian forces may be too overextended in the Ukraine theater to provide meaningful assistance to the Chinese offensive, analysis of Moscow intentions, as well as earlier reporting from Russian defectors such as GRU Col. Stanislav Lunev, indicate that Russia remains committed to joint offensive operations against the U.S. Indeed, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Beijing in early February to meet with Xi Jinping in advance of his February 24 invasion of Ukraine. Afterward, Putin and Xi issued a joint statement attesting to their shared opposition to Taiwanese independence and opposition to NATO enlargement, and included a pledge to a “no limits” “friendship.” They also laughably included an expression of concern about “compliance with the BWC [Biological Weapons Convention]” and a commitment to the Chemical Weapons Convention. At this writing, it is unclear whether the original Mandarin language audio transcript of the Beijing meeting has been noted by U.S., Japanese, or other allied governments. As mentioned above, though, an English language translation of the meeting transcript currently is in process. Clare M. Lopez is the Founder/President of Lopez Liberty LLC, with a mission to alert Americans to national security threats, both international & from the Islamic Movement/Muslim Brotherhood & their Marxist/communist collaborators in the U.S. From 2014-2020, Lopez served as VP for Research & Analysis at the Center for Security Policy. Read Reports by Clare M. Lopez --- More Here. 評論: 第三次世界大戰要開打了, 幣圈的請注意, 開始要比是缺錢的多? 還是買保險的多? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1653113363.A.A9C.html

05/21 14:11, 1年前 , 1F
保險多有P用 最近嘴臉還沒看夠?
05/21 14:11, 1F

05/21 14:11, 1年前 , 2F
ok, short call long put
05/21 14:11, 2F

05/21 14:13, 1年前 , 3F
不然一堆賣歐美資產不要美元為啥 怕制裁阿
05/21 14:13, 3F

05/21 14:14, 1年前 , 4F
保險多沒用啊 條款都有寫戰爭(無論宣戰與否)被排除
05/21 14:14, 4F

05/21 14:16, 1年前 , 5F
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05/21 14:21, 1年前 , 9F
沒事 只是四年一次選舉前賣賣芒果乾 選完就說不打了
05/21 14:21, 9F

05/21 14:22, 1年前 , 10F
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05/21 14:27, 1年前 , 16F
這消息在軍旅版已經被笑到不行了 還再傳
05/21 14:27, 16F

05/21 14:27, 1年前 , 17F
這消息在軍武版已經被笑到不行了 還再傳
05/21 14:27, 17F

05/21 14:29, 1年前 , 18F
跌的不夠深 在來丟幾個炸彈而已啦 要打不是用講的
05/21 14:29, 18F

05/21 14:33, 1年前 , 19F
05/21 14:33, 19F

05/21 14:37, 1年前 , 20F
如果第四季打過來 確實大家是措手不及
05/21 14:37, 20F

05/21 14:39, 1年前 , 21F
05/21 14:39, 21F

05/21 14:40, 1年前 , 22F
10月有超強的東北季風 來之前都先吐在船上
05/21 14:40, 22F

05/21 14:43, 1年前 , 23F
台灣每年只有兩三個月適合進攻 剩的時間呵呵
05/21 14:43, 23F

05/21 14:44, 1年前 , 24F
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05/21 15:10, 1年前 , 29F
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05/21 15:18, 1年前 , 30F
十月打 現在要大移軍隊物資 對岸還在封城呢…
05/21 15:18, 30F

05/21 15:18, 1年前 , 31F
要打快打 就可以不用上班了
05/21 15:18, 31F
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