[情報] AWS 開放 Auto Scaling 功能!

看板Cloud作者 (太陽拳vs野球拳)時間11年前 (2013/12/11 21:39), 編輯推噓0(002)
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Amazon Web Services Dear AWS Customer, We are pleased to announce that it's now even easier to use Auto Scaling to manage your Amazon EC2 capacity and maintain availability of your applications. Starting today, you can use the AWS Management Console to create and update Auto Scaling groups and launch configurations. To get started, log in to the Amazon EC2 console and choose "Auto Scaling Groups" in the panel at the left, or click here. In the console, you can create an Auto Scaling group based on a template that you define for your instances. You specify the number of instances you want to run and Auto Scaling will launch the instances for you, keeping them balanced across Availability Zones and replacing unhealthy ones. You can also create scaling policies that adjust your group size dynamically in response to Amazon CloudWatch metrics, such as average CPU utilization. Even if your application only requires a single instance, using Auto Scaling can help you keep it available by replacing the instance if it fails status checks. For more information, see Get Started with Auto Scaling Using the Console in the Auto Scaling Developer Guide. Sincerely, The Amazon EC2 team 大意: 可預先調整等伺服器達負荷條件時自動擴充 自動動態擴充等…功能 剛試了一下,既有的映像檔好像要複製出來重用 不知要不要收費 還有請高手提供更多資訊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/12 15:37, , 1F
是終於把 auto scaling 做進 management console 內,
12/12 15:37, 1F

12/12 15:38, , 2F
image 當然要算儲存空間錢啊。
12/12 15:38, 2F
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