[情報] Azure 已經支援 Oracle

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現在 Windows Azure 映像庫中有提供 Oracle 軟體,包括 Java、Oracle 資料庫和 Oracle WebLogic Server。 實作步驟 建立 Windows Azure 帳戶 建立新的虛擬機器 選取您想要的 Oracle 軟體 設定您的虛擬機器 選取虛擬機器模式 連接到新的虛擬機器 參考網址 http://www.windowsazure.com/zh-tw/campaigns/oracle/ 新聞稿 Microsoft and Oracle now provide end-to-end support for customers running business-critical Oracle software on Windows Azure License-included virtual machine images of Oracle Database, Oracle WebLogic Server, and the Java development environment are now available, in preview, in the Windows Azure Image Gallery. During the preview period, you pay only for the Windows Azure compute and storage resources your Virtual Machine consumes, there is no charge for the included Oracle software. Updates made in June to Oracle licensing policy also allow you to “bring your own license” – using a license you already own on Windows Azure. Whether you bring your own license or use one of the license-included images, you now have increased flexibility and choice in where to deploy your applications and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you will be fully supported by Oracle. To get started, log in to the Windows Azure Management Portal and add a new Virtual Machine from the Image Gallery. For more information, visit the Oracle information page on the Windows Azure website. -- $love = false; -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: felaray 來自: (10/02 10:39)
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