[-Fx-] Firefox 123.0 Release

看板Browsers (瀏覽器)作者 (五漢廢言抄錢部屬)時間5月前 (2024/02/20 21:51), 編輯推噓5(5022)
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官方版本124.0預計在 2024年03月19日(美國時間) 台灣時間03月19日~03月20日 更新 123.0 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/123.0/releasenotes/ New︰ We’ve integrated search into Firefox View. You can now search through all of the tabs on each of the section subpages - Recent Browsing, Open Tabs, Recently Closed Tabs, Tabs from other devices, or History. Having any issues with a website on Firefox, yet the site seems to be working as expected on another browser? You can now let us know via the Web Compatibility Reporting Tool! By filing a web compatibility issue, you’re directly helping us detect, target, and fix the most impacted sites to make your browsing experience on Firefox smoother. Fixed︰ When translating web pages, we are now also translating text in tooltips (i.e. titles) and text displayed in form controls (i.e. placeholder). Various security fixes. https://www.mozilla.org/security/advisories/mfsa2024-05/ Changed︰ Address bar settings can now be found in the Firefox Settings' Search section. Enterprisehttps://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-enterprise-123-release-notes Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/123 The Network Monitor now supports saving a response body to disk through the Save Response As context menu item. This replaces the Save Image context menu item, which only supported saving images. Web Platform︰ We now implement linearRGB interpolation for SVG gradients, as well as https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/color-interpolation the existing sRGB interpolation. You can choose which to use via the color-interpolation property. Previously, SVG feImage elements that pointed to SVG content required the SVG document to have a root element that had non-percentage width and height values. Such content will now fall back to use the default replaced element values of 300px width and 150px height and the feImage will no longer fail to render. By enabling Preload and Modulepreload support, Early Hints are now fully supported. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/103 Audio echo cancellation can now be applied to microphone inputs when the audio output is redirected to another device with setSinkId(). Firefox now supports declarative ShadowDOM, providing developers greater flexibility and improved ergonomics when working with ShadowDOMs directly within HTML. Unresolved︰ Some machines with older AMD CPUs may see image thumbnails incorrectly render as all black in file dialogs. If this is the case, updating the graphics driver should address this issue. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1708437073.A.01D.html

02/20 22:10, 5月前 , 1F
02/20 22:10, 1F

02/20 22:18, 5月前 , 2F
iOS 123.0
02/20 22:18, 2F

02/21 11:03, 5月前 , 3F
android 123.0
02/21 11:03, 3F

02/21 11:45, 5月前 , 4F
02/21 11:45, 4F

02/21 11:47, 5月前 , 5F
02/21 11:47, 5F

02/21 11:54, 5月前 , 6F
02/21 11:54, 6F

02/21 11:54, 5月前 , 7F
02/21 11:54, 7F

02/21 12:47, 5月前 , 8F
左右空白處有變大, 原本Enhancer for Yt有勾expand會到邊
02/21 12:47, 8F

02/21 12:47, 5月前 , 9F
02/21 12:47, 9F

02/21 16:19, 5月前 , 10F
02/21 16:19, 10F

02/21 16:19, 5月前 , 11F
02/21 16:19, 11F

02/21 16:19, 5月前 , 12F
02/21 16:19, 12F

02/21 16:42, 5月前 , 13F
感謝,更新uBlock Origin問題已解決
02/21 16:42, 13F

02/22 09:36, 5月前 , 14F
02/22 09:36, 14F

02/22 11:12, 5月前 , 15F
02/22 11:12, 15F

02/22 12:26, 5月前 , 16F
firefox沒那麼厲害讓你卡 當時馬上關掉fx應該就知道是不是
02/22 12:26, 16F

02/23 16:54, 5月前 , 17F
iOS 123.1
02/23 16:54, 17F

02/23 19:35, 5月前 , 18F
02/23 19:35, 18F

02/23 19:37, 5月前 , 19F
不過我覺得直接內建一個 Chrome UA 一鍵切換功能就好
02/23 19:37, 19F

02/23 19:37, 5月前 , 20F
02/23 19:37, 20F

02/23 19:37, 5月前 , 21F
02/23 19:37, 21F

02/24 20:45, 5月前 , 22F
內建就代表Firefox臣服於Chrome 他們永遠不可能官方內
02/24 20:45, 22F

02/24 20:45, 5月前 , 23F
02/24 20:45, 23F

02/24 20:45, 5月前 , 24F
02/24 20:45, 24F

02/24 20:46, 5月前 , 25F
02/24 20:46, 25F

02/24 20:46, 5月前 , 26F
02/24 20:46, 26F

02/24 21:20, 5月前 , 27F
反正多的是套件切換UA 何必費力氣做內建
02/24 21:20, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1brAvH0T (Browsers)
文章代碼(AID): #1brAvH0T (Browsers)