[HUB ] BlackBerry Z3 ‘Jakarta’ Announced

看板BlackBerry作者 (賈不妙)時間11年前 (2014/02/25 16:00), 編輯推噓11(1106)
留言17則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
BlackBerry has officially announced the BlackBerry Z3 ‘Jakarta’ entry-level smartphone during their press briefing at Mobile World Congress. We previously saw the BlackBerry Z3 unveiled in a series of exclusively leaked renders. Now, can confirm the authenticity of the renders and the BlackBerry Z3′s specs? Stay tuned to official press releases. BlackBerry is really looking to make the Z3 a hit in emerging markets with, Indonesia first, and at the excellent price point of under $200 by April 2014. http://n4bb.com/blackberry-z3-jakarta-announced/ 鴻海ODM的BlackBerry 10手機很快的推出, 且在MWC上發表 預計四月在印尼上市. 這是一款入門手機 估計規格為 5" 540x960pixels 8gb rom/1.5gb ram 1.2GHz 雙核 2650mah內建電池 售價不超高200鎂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/25 18:00, , 1F
02/25 18:00, 1F

02/25 18:52, , 2F
02/25 18:52, 2F

02/25 22:07, , 3F
據說 Q20 會加回 trackpad 和 function keys 期待~
02/25 22:07, 3F

02/25 22:08, , 4F
個人是很喜歡且很贊成 trackpad 和 function keys 加回來~
02/25 22:08, 4F

02/26 09:43, , 5F
四大天王鍵+trackpad 超期待
02/26 09:43, 5F

02/26 14:53, , 6F
希望Q20還加上charging pod..
02/26 14:53, 6F

02/27 16:57, , 7F
02/27 16:57, 7F

02/27 17:01, , 8F
如果真的因為防摔防震會太厚重 那可以少掉防摔防震沒關係
02/27 17:01, 8F

02/27 17:02, , 9F
希望黑莓可以趕快出(而且以後都是) 側滑 5 排 QWERTY
02/27 17:02, 9F

02/27 17:03, , 10F
+ 防水防塵防摔防震 + 在實體鍵盤上有實體硬體 up、down、
02/27 17:03, 10F

02/27 17:04, , 11F
left、right Arrow keys + trackpad + function keys
02/27 17:04, 11F

02/27 17:05, , 12F
+ 超窄邊框 的智慧型手機
02/27 17:05, 12F

02/27 17:08, , 13F
而且防水防塵係數達到 IP66 + IP68
02/27 17:08, 13F

02/27 19:40, , 14F
02/27 19:40, 14F

02/28 01:37, , 15F
02/28 01:37, 15F

02/28 01:38, , 16F
年底前是程總說的 黑莓內部的說還沒做出來.. 但是
02/28 01:38, 16F

02/28 01:38, , 17F
老闆發話了 肯定會出來的...只是Windermere 就不確定了
02/28 01:38, 17F
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